
Sunday, April 15, 2012


 How To Make Cake Ball ??????

Oh my goodness it was simple. Cake Ball is also a a pop cake once you inserted the lollypop sticks.

Basically, you bake a cake, crumble it all up, mix the crumbs with frosting, roll into balls, and dip in chocolate. Sounds delightful doesn't it? You can eat the balls with your fingers or create cake pops and put them on lollipop sticks. One of the great things I discovered about cake balls is the endless variations you can try. Think about how many different types of cakes there are. These different variations of cakes can be combined with all the different types of frosting.

For more details on this cake balls Click here

Chocolate Cake Ball


250gm kek coklat ( apa2 jenis kek coklat yg jenis dibakar, kalau kukus punya tak sesuai, sy beli yg dah siap je)
segenggam badam cincang / mix fruit - yg ni optional, tak letak pun takpe
1 sudu besar madu
1 sudu besar jus oren - guna sunkist (sy guna jus sunquick)
60 gm butter
1 sdb jem strawberry atau apa2 jem yg digemari
Coklat masakan yg dicairkan secara double boiler - untuk hiasan
coklat / manik - untuk hiasan


Di dalam periuk cairkan butter dan jem dengan menggunakan api yg perlahan. Masak hingga cair dan ketepikan.
Di dalam mangkuk yg lain campurkan kek coklat, badam, madu, jus oren dan campuran butter tadi.
Kacau kesemuanya sehingga sebati..
Bentukkan bulat2 dan simpan didalam peti sejuk lebih kurang 20 minit.
Selepas 20 minit salut kan dengan coklat yg telah dicairkan tadi.
Hias ikut kreativiti masing2.


  1. salam kak paty..
    hmmm...peberet anak2 mas nie kek gini...
    baru buat minggu lepas...
    klu dia orang nmpk ni..
    compom mas kena buat lagi..he3

  2. As salam....senang jer kan? Budak2 conpom suke, bukn budak jer mak budak pon same n leh wat tuk besday party gak kan? Wat cam lolipop....

  3. salam kak paty...bestnya tgk coklat ball cake tu, anak2 liza pun suka ni...sedapppp
