
Friday, December 02, 2011


If you have been following me, you'll notice that last couple of days, I made poached pears that I learned from Anna Olson program. Made 1 batch of the poached bear serves with ice cream. 

I have some balance dangling in my fridge and there's no way that I chould touch it anymore as as if I did sugar level will definitely shoot up, so what I did was, I switched up the pears to this awesome turnover or pastry puff. 

I used the store bought pastry puff and made this turnover pears. Absolutely simple all you are :

  • Store bought pastry puff
  • Poached Pears, thinly slice
  • Beaten Eggs for egg wash.

See there goes our tea!!!!! Serve it hot, it's fantastic.


Saya ni memang tidak boleh duduk diam, lebih-lebih lagi bila anak-anak ada. Resipi ini saya gunakan lebihan poached pear yang saya buat baru ini. Sayang tenguk tergolek-golek dalam fridge saya buat puff ini. Saya gunakan pastry siap dan hiris poached pear ini maka jadilah sajian petang kami. Mudah, ringkas dan sedap dihidangkan panas-panas.

Next Post - Breakfast Menu



  1. Menu yang sgt menggoda...kakkkkk...byknya energy...macam2 akak masak..kalau dok sebelah rumah kan best....he he :)

  2. Salam Cik Cek, kita ni kadang2 tekak kita tiba2 aje nak benda2 manis...dalam situasi macam ni tak yah susah2 buat jalan pitas aje....janji kena dengan selera.
