
Monday, July 25, 2011


Telur Pindang is a Johorean signature, popular during auspicious occasions especially wedding. It's a door gift given in a  form of "bunga telur" to guest attending the wedding invitation.It’s a Johor tradition to use Telur Pindang instead of ordinary hardboiled eggs.

It's unique in its taste and colour. Its dark colour and the smell of herbs differentiates it from the ordinary boiled egg. Its taste comes from the myriad of herbs and condiments that gets absorbed during the boiling process. 

The preparation of telur pindang` entails lots of patience because it takes a long time to prepare. It begins with the selection of the finest quality farm-fresh eggs.  These eggs are then washed and readied for boiling in a brew of herbs and spices over a period of at least 3 days.  

This special concoction is made from herbal leaves with local names like, Daun Senduduk, Daun Manggis (mangosteen leaf), Daun Jambu Batu (guava leaf), Daun Bebuas, Daun Serai Wangi (lemongrass), Daun Salam, Daun Limau Purut (kaffir lime leaf), Daun Lengkuas (wild ginger leaf), Daun Pandan and onion and garlic skins.  

The mixture of the leaves from the senduduk, guava and mangosteen trees provides the dark colour for the eggs.

"While the galingale, ginger and lemon grass gives it the flavouring," he said emphasizing that no preservatives or artificial flavourings added.

It takes three days for the eggs to absorb the herbal infusion and only then it will be packed and distributed.

I learned to make this telur pindang during the recent wedding held by my's interesting... the eggs were boiled using fire woods,... I believe this is the best way since the boiling process took about 3 days and may be this is my first and last of making the telur pindang. I don't think I have the patience of doing so, for acquiring the knowledge of making the telur pindang I don't mind spending the time!!!! but not doing it!!! So here's what I learned from the expert:-

  • 1 tbsp cumin seeds
  • 1 tbsp fennel
  • 1 tbsp coriander seeds
  • 1 tbsp chili paste
  • 10 bulbs shallots
  • 5 cloves garlic
  • 4 stalks lemongrass
  • 2 inches galangal
  • 2" ginger
  • 20 fresh eggs
Other ingredients:~
  • 2 tbsp tamarind paste
  • a handful young guava leaves
  • a handful fresh tumeric leaves
  • a handful cashew nut leaves
  • a handful noni young leaves
  • a handful sekentut leaves
  • a handful coriander leaves
  • a handful lemongrass leaves
  • a handful shallot skin
  • a handful garlic skin

  1. Prepare a large deep pot. Line half of the leaves and the blended ingredients at the base of the pot.
  2. Place the eggs gently on top of the leaves.
  3. Place the blended ingredients on top of the eggs.
  4. Place the other half of the leaves and ingredients on top of the eggs.
  5. Fill with water slowly and gently till it covers the eggs.
  6. Boil on very very low fire for approximately 8 hours. Top with additional water as the water evaporates. Maintain the same level of water at all times.
  7. Even when the fire is off, let the eggs continue to soak in the water to allow the flavours from the water to fully absorb into the eggs.
  8. Continue boiling on and off for four days at your convenience at whatever time frame that suits you. Remember that the herbs and leaves must remain in the water.
  9. Remove and drain.  The telur pindang can be served.

Telur pindang adalah sajian warisan Johor yang cukup menarik. Tidak tahu sejarah telur pindang ini tetapi kalau dilihat pada telur itu sendiri mungkin terdapat pengaruh dari Cina, kerana masyarakat Cina juga mengamalkan tradisi pemberian telur merah. Telur ini menggunakan herba yang banyak, sebagai anak Johor rasanya saya perlu mengetahui membuatnya. Kebetulan berkunjung ke rumah sepupu yang menganda najlis perkahwinan anaknya di Muar baru-baru ini saya mengambil kesempatan mempelajari membuat telur pindang ini. Arwah ibu memang tera buat telur pindang ini, masa kecil-kecil ingat lagi setiap kali hendak pulang ke Johor..pasti arwah akan buat telur pindang sebagai bekal perjalanan dari Penang ke Johor, bayangkan lah berapa jam perjalanan... ooi... itulah bekalan yang sesuai.

Resipi telur pindang ini saya ambil dari buku Masakan Warisan Johor, cuma bahan-bahan asas manakala cara membuatnya saya  perolehi semasa kenduri baru-baru ini. Saya harap N3 ini dapat membantu mereka yang ingin mengetahui cara membuat telur pindang.

Next Post - Banana Teabread

1 comment:

  1. Waaa...telur pindang sudah mari....bestnya...lama sangat tak makan telur pindang ni...rajinnya kak Patys buattt...
    Rumit kan buat telur pindang ni....teringin lak nak makan...nak buat aduhai...kena tunggu seru Kak Patys...he he he..:)
