
Friday, July 08, 2011


Shrimp Murungai Curry

Chicken Marinade

Fried Papadom

Serimuka Pandan
These were our " buka puasa" menu yesterday. Simple Indian cuisine that my children had been requesting for quite sometimes. Yesterday and two weeks from now the whole household will be fasting. The breakfast session will take a break for this two weeks period. I will be sharing with you my " buka puasa" menu. Weekend will be as usual, we break from fasting on the weekend. So stay tune with me on my "buka puasa" menu.

When come to food my children are really fussy, if I cook any Indian cuisine they want it with banana leaf, however yesterday I couldn't find any banana leaf so we ate our rice in a normal plate. I cooked Shrimp With Murungai Curry, Rassam, which only me consumed the rassam, I normally drinks rassam to heat up the whole entire body system, Marinade Fried Chicken, where I marinated the chicken with lemongrass and galangal. I marinated the chicken early in morning and fried it half an hour before breaking fast. As for dessert I made Serimuka Pandan - Steamed Glutinous Rice Cake With Custard Pandan Topping, made it early in the morning, Drink of Day, I prepared Basil Seed Syrup Drinks and some dried papaddom that really spice up the entire Indian cuisine.

This curry is fantastic, I added shrimps,
murungai, eggs and dhal in this curry. For those of you are not familiar with murungai here's a bried description by Wikipedia: 

Other word for Murungai is " Drumstick Leaves"

Moringa, popularly known as "The Multipurpose Tree of Life" is the sole genus in the flowering plant family Moringaceae. Moringa has 13 species altogether. They grow from tropical to subtropical climates. The trees range in size from tiny herbs to massive trees.

The generic names is derived from the Tamil word murunggi or the Malayalam word muringa, both of which refer to Moringa oleifera. The most widely known species is Moringa oleifera, a multi-purpose tree native to the foothills of the Himalayas in northwestern India and cultivated throughout the tropics.

5 drumstick leave cut into 2" length - scrape skins and soak for 10 minutes
1 cup cooked dhal
250 gm shrimps - unshell
2 eggs
3 string curry leaves
1 onion slice thinly
2 tomatoes quatered.
1 cup thairu
2 cups water
3 tbsp tamarind juice
Salt to taste 

1 ladle oil

Spice Paste:
2 packets "Baba" fish curry powder
7 shallots
5 cloves garlic

  1. Blend all spice paste ingredients to a very fine paste.
  2. Heat up some cooking oil in a work and stir-fry onion till brown add paste, curry leaf and continue frying until aromatic or a thin layer of oil rises to the top.
  3. Add water and continue stirring until it’s boiling
  4. Break in the two eggs in the curry simmer until eggs are done
  5. Add in shrimps , dhal and drumstick leaves, cooked until both are done
  6. Add the thairu and continue to simmer for another 15-20 minutes, over low heat.
  7. Add tamarind juice, salt to taste 
  8. Finally add in fresh tomatoes
  9. Lower the heat and off the heat when oil surface the curry
  10. Serve hot with rice

Asalamualaikum semua, semalam seisi keluarga berpuasa termasuk anak lelaki saya yang sedang cuti semester , ada yang qado' puasa, ada yang ambil keberkatan sunat sya'ban. Mulai semalam dan dua minggu akan datang PATY'SKITCHEN Breakfast Menu akan bercuti, walau bagaimanapun saya akan bersiaran untuk menu berbuka puasa sepanjang dua minggu ini, kemudian berehat seketika dan sambung semula menu " berbuka puasa sempena Ramadhan pula. Sekejap ya masa berlalu, pejam celik pejam celik dan nak masuk Ramadhan, dah nak masuk Raya, dan nak cuti sekolah, dah nak masuk tahun baru.   Tak terkejar dibuatnya.

Untuk menu semalam saya masak ala banana leaf masakan Indian, saya masak kari udang dengan buah mungai, rassam, ayam goreng perap, serimuka dan sirap selasih. Menu ini memang kesukaan anak-anak dan kalau selalunya dia orang akan request nak makan dalam daun pisang, tapi kali ini makan cara biasa aje, payah nak cari daun pisang. Rassamnya cuma saya seorang aje makan, bukan makan saya hirup macam minum kopi , sedap buat panaskan badan. Pemanis mulutnya pula saya buat serimuka, buat subuh-subuh pagi, senang gitu sebab serimuka ini perlukan masa yang panjang sebelum dipotong. Petangnya saya menumis kari dan siap minuman aje.

Next Post - Ayam Goreng Perap.



  1. wahhh..sedapnya menu berbuka...
    rajinn akak memasak..
    nampak menyelerakan...

  2. Assalamualaikum akak...
    ya allah sedapnya murungai tu akak... dah lama diana x makan sayur tu... sedap sesangat

  3. sedapnyerr kak.. tun tgh puasa ni..
    nk tumpang berbuka umah akak arini buleh? hihi
