
Thursday, July 07, 2011


Bakso or baso is Indonesian meatball.] Bakso is commonly made from the mixture of ground beef and tapioca flour, however bakso can also be made from other ingredients, such as chicken, fish, or shrimp. 

Bakso are usually served in a bowl of beef broth, with yellow noodles, bihun (rice vermicelli), salted vegetables, tofu, egg (wrapped within bakso), Chinese green cabbage, bean sprout, siomay or steamed meat dumpling, and crispy wonton, sprinkled with fried shallots and celery. Unlike other meatball recipes, bakso has a consistent homogeneous texture. 

Bakso can be found all across Indonesia; from the traveling cart street vendors to restaurants. Today various types of ready to cook bakso also available as frozen food commonly sold in supermarkets in Indonesia. Slices of bakso often used and mixed as compliments in mi goreng, nasi goreng, or cap cai recipes.

Not much different from Vietnamese Pho Bo, Bakso is a popular street food in Indonesia, I can said that one of Indonesia signature food and the popular bakso is Bakso Malang and Bakso Solo named after one state in Indonesia.This dish has a strong Chinese influence, the name itself came from Hokkien word Bak So - Shredded Meat. - Definition by Wikipedia

You can find Bakso any where in the streets in Indonesia. It's difficult to prepare Bakso, you can either do the bakso yourself or get the store bought Bakso. I normally make it, the store bought bakso contain a lot starch flour. Generally at home we prefer our Bakso with some eggs noodles or rice vermicilli. Serve best with "Sambal Kicap"

For The Bakso
  • 500 gm minced meat / 500 gm daging kisar
  • 5 cloves garlic - chopped / 5 ulas bawang putih cincang
  • 1/2 glass ice / 1/2 gelas ais
  • 1 tsp peppercorn / 1 sdt lada sulah
  • 1 egg whites / 1 telur putih
  • 100 gm tapioca flour / 100 gm tepung ubi
  • salts to taste / garam secukup rasa.

Mix garlic,  salt, and white pepper in a mortar or mixer. 

Mix the spice-mixture with the eggs, the tapioca-flour and the minced meat and ice in a food processor. Keep on working until the mixture feels soft and smooth.

Boil some water in a rather large pot, at least about 2 liters. Start rolling the mixture into small meatballs. Lower the meatballs into the boiling water. When they float up to the surface they are ready.

The soup

  • 1 liter chicken bouillon / 1 litre stok ayam
  • 5 cloves of garlic / 5 ulas bawang putih
  • 1" ginger / 1 " halia
  • 3 tbsp soup powder - I used Adabi
  • 4 candlenuts / 5 biji buah keras
  • 2 onions / 2 biji bawang besar
  • salt and pepper
Blend all ingredients except water into a wet past. Stir down the mixture into 1 liter of chicken bouillon . Heat the soup until it boils and then put in the meatballs. Let it simmer for a minute or two before you serve your bakso. 

Bakso is normally served with noodles. To spice it up you can use chili sauce, soyasauce, tomato ketchup, Chinese chive. It is your bakso, so you can, and should, do whatever you want to in order to make it taste good.

Enak bangat ni!!!! favorite keluarga. Biasanya kalau ada permintaan saya akan buat baksonya sendiri. Yang udah siap punya saya kurang berkenan, liat, banyak sangat tepung kaji ditarok, buat sendiri boleh rasa manis daging. Begitu juga kalau di rumah biasanya makan dengan mee kuning, buat kuah soto, untuk kuahnya juga bergantung kepada cita rasa masing-masing nak yang jernih atau yang berempah. Tapi biasa la orang Melayukan kita lebih suka yang berempah, jadi saya letakkan sedikit rempah sup. kalau suka boleh juga letakk 3 atau 4 sekawan. Memang sedap, bagi kaki menghirup siapkan sambal kicap lagi terangkat dibuatnya.

Next Post - Sardine Puff



  1. Patty, can I ask U something? where do U originally come from? :))
    this post kills me! :))

  2. Hi Citra, I'm truly Malaysian. Born in Malaysian and grown up in Malaysian. If you see me cooking Indonesia food a lot that is because I love Indonesia Food, I traveled to Indonesia a lot it's just like my second home. Surabaya, Medan, Bandung, and Jogja are my favorite spot. Not to mentioned Bali. I went there often to get ideas for my cafe. Planning to set one for my retirement.
