
Saturday, June 25, 2011


For fans of pandan and kaya it is hard to resist putting them into anything and everything you bake . So why not try this. Recipe adapted from with a little tweak here and there. I'm inspired with the chocolate molten cake by Gordon Ramsey in one of the cooking magazine, got the idea from there and transform this into this pandan muffins.

The muffin is a moist, tender that is a cross between a cake and a muffin in texture. It has a tight, but tender, crumb and is made with milk and vegetable oil powder that makes it very moist. I used store bought pandan kaya as the fillings. garnish the top with dessicated coconut. 
Ingredients (yield 9 cupcakes) - Adapted from happyflour with adjustment

2 eggs / 2 biji telur
75g castor sugar / 75 gm gula castor
1/2tbsp glucose (optional) / 1/2 sdb glukose - saya tinggal ini
65g cake flour / 65 gm tepung kek
2tbsp coconut powder(instant coconut cream powder) / 2 sdb serbuk santan
1/4tsp baking powder / 1/4 sdt baking powder
1/4tsp salt / 1/4 sdt garam
10g pandan juice/ 10 gm air pandan
20g milk / 20 gm susu segar
20g veg. oil / 20 gm minyak sayur - saya guna minyak jagung
1/4tsp pandan paste / 1/4 sdt pes pandan

For Filling
Pandan Kaya


1. Preheat oven to 190C. / Panaskan ketuhar 190
2. Lined cupcake tray with paper casing and set aside. / Alaskan acuan muffin dengan kertas muffin
3. Mix flour, coconut powder, salt and baking powder together and set aside. / Campurkan bahan kering dan letak sebelah.
4. Pour egg and sugar into a mixing bowl and whisk at high speed for about 3mins. / Pukul telur dengan gula pada high speed selama 3 minit.
5. Add in glucose and continue to whisk for 1min. / Masukkan glukose dan terus pukul
6. Then reduce speed to medium and whisk till thick and fluffy. / Rendahkan speed kepada medium dan pukul sehingga gebu.
7. Sift the flour mixture into the egg batter in 3 portions and fold in. (I used hand whisk to fold in.)/ Ayak tepung kepada tiga bahagian dan masukan ke dalam adunan telur tadi sebanyak 3 x
8. Mix milk, pandan juice, pandan paste and oil together. / Satukan susu, jus pandan dan minyak sekali
9. Pour some egg batter into the pandan mixture and stir until well-blended. / Masukkan campuran pandan, susu dan minyak ke dalam adunan telur tadi.
10.Pour the mixture into the egg batter and mix until well-blended. / kacau rata
11.Spoon batter into cupcake tray until 50% full. / Sudukan adunan separuh ke dalam acuan muffin.
12. Insert kaya in a pipping bag and pipe the kaya on top of the first layer mixture. Then sppon again another sppon of the mixture. Make sure you keep mixture at 80%/ Masukkan kaya dalam pipping bag dan pancitkan sedikit kedalam acuan muffin tadi. Sudukan lagi separuh adunan untuk menutupi kaya tadi.
12.Bake in a preheated oven for 15mins. / Bakar selama 15 minit atau sehingga muffin masak.
13.Remove cakes from tin and cool on a wire rack. / Keluarkan dari acuan dan sejukkan.
14. You can sprinkles some dessicated coconut on top of the muffins if you like before baking / Boleh ditaburkan kelapa kering atas muffin jika suka. Tabur semasa membakar.


Kepada peminat pandan dan kaya, anda pasti suka muffin ini. Resipi ambil dari tapi saya olahkan sedikit dengan memasukkan kaya sebagai intinya. Tekturenya lembut dan luarnya agak berkerak, kelembutan muffin ini mungkin datang dari minyak sayur dan susu. Sesuai dijadikan sajian petang dan memang enak.

Next Post - Murtabak Biskut



  1. wahhh..cantiknya naik mapin ni kak..suke tengok!!!

  2. akak..memang cantikk mapin tu naik...
    sukanya tengok....

  3. Assalamualaikum akak..
    a'aa kan.. mmg cantik muffin tu akak... menarik!
