
Friday, June 03, 2011


Kuih koci is one of the Malaysia delicacies popular among the Malay and the Chinese Peranakan. Normally made of white and black glutinous rice flour. However this recipe I made mine using pumpkin. I have some pumpkin left from my pumpkin pie, I made this. The filling of this kuih is coconut cooked with palm sugar. The texture of the kuih is soft, I also made some coconut cream topped on the kuih to make it more creamer. Love this, is soft creamy and sweet.


For the skin
4 cups mashed pumpkins
2 cups glutinous rice flour
1/2 cup sugar 
a pinch of salts
sufficient banana leaves soften and cut 7 x 7
Mix all ingredient to form a soft dough.
For the coconut cream
1 cup thick coconut milk
1 tbsp rice flour
pinch of salts

Cook over low heat until thicken.

For the coconut filling

1 white grated coconut
1 cup palm sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
screwpine leaves
pinch of salts
1/2 cup water

Boil 1/2 cup water with screwpine leave. Add in palm sugar. Simmer for a few minutes until bubbles. Add in coconut and salts, Continue stirring until coconut and sugar are well coated and a bit dry. Remove from heat and cool.

To Assemble the Kuih

Divide the kuih into small ball. Flatten and insert the filling seal and roll. Put the kuih on the banana leave pour 1 tbsp coconut cream and fold the banana leave. Steam for 15-20 minutes and kuih are ready to be serve.


Resipi-resipi ssperti ini sesuai buat juadah Ramadan, saya memang suka ni sedap makan panas-panas. Untuk sebarang resipi kuih koci saya gemar meletakkan dadih kelapa. Sedap dan lemak. Kalau ada labu di rumah dan pening tak tahu nak buat apa ....ha....ha... buat kuih koci ini memang sodap.

Next Post - Breakfast Menu


  1. sedapnya Kak Paty..biasanya saya tak buat santan tu..lain kali boleh cuba

  2. oo sedapnya dan lemaknya kuih koci letak lemak mcm tu.. biasa kuih koci ni saya jumpa time kenduri jeee.. tapi tak de lemak putih tu

  3. huaaaa..sedapnya...nak buat cam tak terbuat je..hehee

  4. Kak Paty, I always 'alah' to pumpkins, I mean alah tengok, mesti nak rasa.. hehe.. from lauk tu kuih, pumpkin is always my favourite. Selalunya saya buat pengat or kuih bakar, never heard of koci made from pumpkin, gambar nombor 4 tu memang buat saya teruja...

  5. sedapnya kuih koci akk.. brtmbg best ada topping coconut tu.. bikin droolingggg... suke selongkar dapur kak paty..

  6. Kak Paty..boleh juga buat keledek kan...ermm sedap la kak...nanti nk cuba juga..

  7. Salam KakPaty. Sedap nya.... Along mmg minat segala kuih koci....
