
Thursday, May 12, 2011


Good Morning Malaysia and Asalamualaikum !!!!, It's already flies too fast...I just thought that I've finished writing my Mother's Day weekend celebration and now in a matter of one or two days we will be approaching another weekend.

Today I made Mini Beef Mushroom quiche for breakfast. It has been a while that I wanted to do this, but don't really have the confidence that I could deliver it. I have book marked few recipes and finally decided to make something of my own by using pie crust method. As for the filling, I made a simple filling using oyster sauce.

For the fillings
1 cup minced beef / 1 cawan daging kisar
1/2 cup fresh milk / 1/2 cawan susu segar
3 eggs / 3 biji telur
1/2 cup mixed vegetables / 1/2 cawan sayur campur
5-6 button mushroom slice thinly / 5-6 kaki cendawan butang hiris nipis
3 cloves garlic - chopped / 3 ulas bawang putih cincang
1 onion - chopped / 1 biji bawang besar dicincang
1 tbsp oyster sauce / 1 sdb sos tiram
1/2 cup beef stock / 1/2 cawan air rebusan daging atau pati daging
dash of pepper/lada sulah
salts and sugar to taste / garam dan gula secukup rasa
mozarella cheese /mozarella cheese
2 tbsp oil / 2 sdb minyak masak

  1. Heat up oil and saute chopped onion till soft. Add in garlic stir fry till fragrant. Add in minced beef and stir constantly until beef tender. Add in oyster sauce, salts, sugar and pepper. Continue cooking until beef is done. Finally add in mixed vegetables and mushroom. Leave to cook for 2-3 minutes, adjust taste and remove from heat. Leave to cool for a while.  / Panaskan minyak tumis bawang besar sehingga layu. Masukkan bawang putih dan goreng sehingga naik baunya. Masukkan daging kisar, sos tiram, lada gula, garam dan stok daging. Kacau rata dan biarkan sehingga daing masak, Akhir sekali masukkan mixed vegetables dan cendawan. Biarkan 2-3 minit lagi dan padamkan api. Angkat dan sejukkan
  2. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease  mini muffin pans.Place the pie crust and set aside. / Panaskan oven 175 C dan oleskan mentega pada cawan muffin. Masukkan kulit pie dan letak sebelah.
  3. In a medium bowl, beat the eggs and add in milk.  Stir in the ready fillings. / Dalam mangkuk yang lain pecahkan telur dan masukkan susu. Satukan adunan telur dengan inti tadi.
  4. Spoon into greased muffin cups. / Sendukkan adunan telur dan inti kedalam kulit pie tadi
  5. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes in the preheated oven, or until the tops are lightly browned. Allow mini quiches to cool in the pan before carefully removing with a small knife or spatula./ Bakar selama 10-15 minit atau sehingga quiche kelihatankekuninga. Sejukkan dahulu sebelum dikeluarkan dari acuan.

For the pie crust

Follow the step by step instruction here.

Asalamualaikum semua!!! Apa khabar? Sihat semua alhamdullillah. Menu sarapan pagi hari ini ialah Beef Mushroom Mini Quiche. Sebenarnya sudah lama berhajat hendak membuat quiche ini. Banyak resipi yang saya sudah kumpul terutama dari Chef Wan, jadi sebelum saya mulakan experiment saya membuat quiche ini saya test dahulu dengan membuat yang mini-mini dahulu. Lepas ini bolehlah test yang besar punya. Selalu makan quiche ni dekat Deli Franc'e so kali ini cuba buat sendiri. Mulanya takut juga, tapi alhamdulillah jadi, tidaklah sesukar yang saya fikirkan.

Saya menggunakan inti daging dan cendawan. Perisanya pula saya masukkan sos tiram. Untuk kulit pie saya ambil dari net. Mudah dan ranggup.
Next Post - Talam Lapis Sago

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