
Saturday, April 09, 2011


I was away for my HR Conference and upon my returned saw two notes from two lovely ladies, Nieza, Our Journey Begins and Wanieyra, from Bila Masa Terluang. Notes called for award collection.. I was really touched and felt really honored by these awards. Thanks Nieza and Wanieyra, really appreciate and really.....really happy that you guys treasured my piece of work.

Late 2010 I received an Awesone Chef Award from Maz, Ilham Dapur however at that point of time I don't really understand how this award works, I just kept it. Maz Thanks and sorry for my ingnorance. Appreciate what you guys have done and these inspired me to produce more quality entries.

I have placed all these three awards in PATYSKITCHEN and once again my BIG THANKS to ALL.


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