
Wednesday, April 13, 2011


 Talam Lapis Keledek aka Sweet Potato Layer Tray Kuih, wow.. what a name this is another ways of making potato Talam. Again I deviated from the norm. Instead of the normal two layer, I made it three layers using three different colors of the potato. The purple, orange and the original white potato. Perfect for tea and serve best with coconut sugar.

It's tasty, creamy and delicious. You can taste the different potato. So if you are interested here's the recipe. In this recipe I used the standard talam measurement. So definitely it won't get wrong.

3 1/4 cups rice flour / 3 1/4 cawan tepung beras
3/4 cup cornflour / 3/4 cawan tepung jagung
3/4  - 1 cup sugar / 1 atau 3/4 cawan gula
5  1/4 cups coconut milk / 5 1/4 cawan santan
pinch of salts/ secubit garam
1/2 cup mashed white potato/ 1/2 cawan ubi keledek putih yang dilecek
1/2 cup mashed orange potate / 1/2 cawan ubi keledek oren yang dilecek
1/2 cup mashed purple potato / 1/2 cawan ubi keledek ungu yang dilecek.

  1. Combine all ingredients and mix into smooth batter. Sieve and divide into three portion. For each portion add in 1/2 cup mashed potato, one for purple, orange and white. You can add in coloring if you feel the mixture is to thin. / Satukan semua bahan, tapis dan bahagi kepada 3 bahagian sama banyak. Masukkan keledek pada setiap bahagian dan warnakan mengikut warna keledek.
  2. Line the tray with banana leave. Heat up steamer. Steam one layer at a time each layer 15 minutes and the final layer 25 minutes./ Alaskan daun pisang pada acuan. Panaskan kukusan dan kukus setaip lapis selama 15 minit. Ulangi proses sehingga habis dan untuk lapisan terakhir kukus selama 25 minit.
  3. Cool throroughly before you cut. / Sejukkan sebelum dipotong.


Satu lagi cara menyediakan Talam Keledek. Selain daripada membuatnya dengan menggunakan santan sebagai kepala kuih, kuih juga boleh dibuat dibuat mengikut lapisan berdasarkan pada warna ubi keledek itu sendiri.  Dalam resipi ini saya menggunakan tiga jenis keledek, iaitu keledek putih, oren dan ungu. Menariknya kita boleh merasakan ketiga-tiga jenis keledek ini. Sesuai buat minuman petang dan sedap dimakan bersama kelapa gula, iaitu kelapa yang digoreng kekuningan dan digaulkan dengan gula. Cubala!!!!memang enak, rasa lemak-lemak manis.

Next Post - Vegetables Crepes / Kuih Dadar Berlauk



  1. sedapnya bila tgk kuih talam tu..ada 3 layer lagi

  2. Very nice! I would like to try it soon!


  3. Thanks PapaCheong, it;s nice especially with the sweetness of potato. I'm just creating something different from the normal two layers. Well try it and dont forget to feedback me back. If I will to do the second time I will add in condensed milk.
