
Sunday, April 03, 2011


I am so sorry, I couldn't find the term in English, however this vegetable falls under the aquatic group. Found near swamp area. I learned to eat this from my maid. This vegetables can only be found in Farmer's Market. It is fantastic if you stir fried the Goreng Belacan way. I prefer to blanch and topped the vegetables with sambal. To be frank this is a fantastic dish serve best with hot rice. You don't need other dish to supplement. Believe me it's delicious.

1 bunch paku rawan cut 2" strips / 1 ikat paku rawan potong panjang 2"
3 tbsp oil / 2 sdb minyak
1 tsp chicken bouillon / 1 sdt serbuk pati ayam
salts to taste /garam secukup rasa

Blanched and arrange on serving plate / Celur dan letak susun atas pinggan

For the Sambal
20 red chiles / 20 cili merah
15 bird's eyes chilies / 15 biji cili padi
1 large onion / 1 biji bawang besar
1" shrimp paste / 1" belacan
3 clove garlic / 3 ulas bawang putih

Grind all ingredients to form wet paste /Kisar semua bahan menjadi pes basah.

  1. Heat up oil. Stir fried the wet paste till fragrant. Add in salts and chicken bouillon. Stir fried until a bit dried./ Panaskan minyak dan tumis bahan kisar sehingga garing. Masukkan garam dan pati kube ayam.
  2. Remove and pour on the blanched vegetables./ Angkat dan curahkan ke atas sayur yang dicelur tadi,

Paku Rawan, mungkin ramai yang tidak tahu, tetapi sayur ini memang sedap. Boleh didapati di Pasar Tani. Saya belajar mengenalinya melalui pembantu rumah saya. Ini merupakan sayur favoritenya dan selalu direbus dan makan dengan sambal belacan. Saya lebih gemar celur dan buat sambal goreng. Memang sedap dengan Nasi Panas. Percayalah kalau dah makan anda tidak perlu lauk lain. Cukup begitu aje. Tak percaya cuba.


Next Post - Steam Tapioca Layer Kuih / Lapis Ubi Kayu



  1. what's in Indonesian Language for paku rawan patty? this one absolutely make me hungry...I just made my sambal belacan with eggplant too ^_^

  2. @indonesian in turkey: CMIIW, paku rawan is genjer.
