
Saturday, April 16, 2011


Saturday is here again. Another interesting weekend and delicious cuisine that I resolve to explore further.Tomorrow is the children's dad birthday, so we plan to leave for Penang and have a simple birthday celebration. The trip to Penang will take us one and the half hours,  I made some Fried Bihun and French Toast for breakfast. I learned about this Fried Bihun from a Filipino friend. A bit curious how it tastes and made a try today. Interesting enough  it's similar to our fried bihun and other Asian fried noodles. To ensure that I have the authentic pancit taste I followed the recipe exactly. So here is the recipe and some background about Pancit Bihun that I extracted from the net:-
Pancit literally means noodles. ‘”Pansit”‘ is a stir-fried noodle dish common in the Philippines. This food is second in popularity to rice in the country, and is similar to yakisoba and yakiudon, Japanese-style stir-fried noodles.

Pancit are therefore commonly served at birthday celebrations and Chinese restaurants in the Philippines often have "birthday noodles" listed on their menus. The basic ingredients for pancits are, the white noodles, cabbage, carrot, shrimp, meat
2 cups of chicken broth or 2 chicken bouillon cubes dissolved in 2 cups of water
1/4 cabbage, sliced into strips
8oz pack pancit bihon noodles
1 onion, peeled and sliced
1/3 cups scallions, cut into pieces
1 cooked chicken breast, shredded
1 carrot, sliced into strips
2 tablespoons of cooking oil
add pepper for taste
3 tablespoons soy sauce
3 cloves of garlic, crushed and minced
add salt for taste add to basket
5 pieces of calamansi or lemon, sliced
3/4 cup diced celery
1. Soak the pancit bihon noodles to soften for 10 minutes.
2. Mix in the pancit bihon noodles and add the soy sauce, cook for about 5 minutes or until the noodles are soft.
3. Grease a large pan or wok with oil. Sauté garlic and onions. Salt or pepper to taste.
4. Add the chicken broth, the shredded chicken breast and all the vegetables until cooked.
5. Squeeze calamansi or lemon when ready to eat for taste


Ooooo....... pejam celek, pejam celek dah masuk hujung minggu kembali, takut betul melihat putaran masa berlalu. Hari ini kita orang bercadang hendak ke Penang ialah esok ulang tahun ayahanda anak-anak, jadi nak buat a small and simple celebrations. Cadang nak bertolak dalam pukul 10 nanti sebab nak bajet masa betul-betul supaya dapat lunch di Penang, Padang Internation Food jadi sebagai lapik untuk perjalanan nanti saya siapkan Pancit Bihun dan Kiwi French Toast. Lepas subuh tadi dah terus menggoreng, by 8 breakfast dan siap-siap bertolak la ke Pulau favorite anak-anak, semua udah siap plan masing-masing.

Menu pagi ini Pancit Bihun adalah makanan favorite orang Filipina. Selalu disediakan semasa ulang tahun kerana Pancit itu melambangkan panjang usia. Rasanya sama dengan amalan masyarakat Cina, mungkin pengaruh Cina di Filipina. Saya memang dah lama mengintai-intai resipi ini, rasa ingin tahu yang kuat membuatkan saya ingin mencuba dan cuma pagi ini sahaja berkesempatan membuatnya.

Waduh resipi ini tidak jauh beza dengan Bihun Goreng kita, cuma bahan standard yang digunakan oleh orang Filipina ialah Bihun Putih, kobis, lonak merah, daging, ayam atau udang. Cara memasaknya sama dengan cara masakan Cina menggunakan bawang putih tanpa menggunakan cili. Sedap dan simple, tidak terlalu sarat dengan bahan.


Next Post - Talam Ubi Kastad



  1. kak..dah dtg ni nak bf sama2...nak milo suam yer..hehe

  2. as-salam
    sedapnye PANCIT BIHUN tu, udang pun besar2...sedap tu..
