
Friday, April 29, 2011


It's durian season, so the best time to do anything with durian. If you love durian you will love this dessert. However, if you find durians too pungent to try, this Crepes with Durian Sauce dessert may still surprise you.

The combination of sugar and coconut cream gives this sweet dish a full rich flavor. The bonus – it is so easy to make! You can also serve the sauce with bread or glutinous rice.


  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 egg
  • 2 cups milk


  1. In a mixing bowl, combine flour, egg, and milk.
  2. Heat a large skillet or crepe pan over a medium-high heat. Spray the pan with non-stick cooking spray. Pour about 1/3 cup of batter into the pan, lift the pan and turn it by rotating your wrist, spreading a PAPER THIN amount in the pan. Flip the crepe when it starts to bubble. When it is finished cooking, remove it and repeat this process with the remaining batter.
10 pcs durian / 10 ulas durian - Mashed the durian
1/2 cup palm sugar / 1/2 cawan gula merah
1/4 cup sugar / 1/4 cawan gula
2 cups coconut milk / 2 cawan santan
pinch of salts./ secubit garam
screwpine leaves / daun pandan knot

Combine all ingredients and bring to boil at low heat until mixture thickens. Adjust taste and remove./Satukan semua bahan dan masak atas api sehingga adunan pekat, Angkat keluarkan daun pandan dan hidang.

 Biasanya beginilah kalau udah musim durian, macam-macam sajian akan direka dengan menggunakan buah durian ini, Resipi ini sama juga dengan resipi roti jala makan dengan kuah durian, ini bagi orang yang malas nak menjala, bolehlah buat krespes ini gulung dan makan dengan kuah durian. Lazat ni!!!! Kalau ada durian lebih-lebih tu boleh la cuba.
 Next Post - Apple Carrot Cinnamon Pancake.

1 comment:

  1. kak, menu doyan juga tu...sedapnya..haha saya pun ada lagi projek nk abiskan stok doyan tu..:)
