
Thursday, April 07, 2011


Here is one of my favourite Malaysian kuih - Kuih Dadar, a type of dessert Crêpes which are stuffed with a mixture of fresh coconut.. 

This kuih supposed to be in green using the screwpine juice, but I just want something different and made this pink.. Not bad ha.....and look so sweet and soft.

Crêpes Ingredients:

1 cup plain flour
1 egg
1 cup water
¼ cup milk
Pinch of salt
1 teaspoons of melted butter
A few tablespoon of cooking oil

Coconut Fillings

2 cups freshly grated coconut
1 ½ cups water
Pinch salt
1/2 cup sugar

Method :

First part : Prepare Crêpes batter

1) Shift the plain flour.
2) Beat the egg lightly.
3) Combine flour, egg, water, milk, salt, butter and essence in a bowl.
4) Stir well and add more water if necessary so as to achieve thin consistency.
5) Set aside.

Second Part : Prepare Coconut Fillings

1) Combine all the fillings ingredients above and mix well.
2) Simmer over low heat, stirring from time to time, until it is thick, dry and all sugar is melted.
3) Leave to cool.

Third Part : Cooking the thin Crêpes

1) Slightly grease a frying pan with about a tablespoon of cooking oil, preferably a non-stick pan.
2) With moderate heat, spread about 2 to 3 tablespoons of Crêpes batter over the pan to make thin Crêpe about 15cm in diameter. Allow the batter to set.
3) Turn over the Crêpe to cook the other side.
4) When it is cooked, move it to a plate.
5) Put a small portion of the coconut fillings to the centre of each crepe.
6) Fold and roll it up like a spring roll.


Tidak tahu kenapa ,sejak dua menjenak ni begitu meminati warna pink. Buat kuih pun, sekarang ni pun banyak bermain dengan warna pink. Rasanya sweet sekali kalu dipandang., habis kuih dadarnya ni pun berubah wajah menjadi pink. Saya suka sekali dengan kelembutan warnanya. Initinya pula saya biarkan plain, putih gitu aje tanpa meletakkan gula Melaka. Kelapa yang dibuat caranya hampir meyerupai "candy kelapa" sedap rasanya. Kuih ini adalah raesipi biasa kuih dadar aka kuih ketayap, yang menjadi kesukaan orang-orang Melayu dan masyarakat Baba-Nyonya. Biasanya berwarna hijau, tapi saya teringin sangat nak lihat warna pink pada kuih ini. jadi saya cuma masukkan perwarna pink. Lain-lain bahan kekal seperti kuih dadar biasa.

Next Post - Apam Koko



  1. Morning Kak Paty...
    cantik juga kuih ketayap ni tukar warna pink...betul betul soft colour...

  2. wahh cantik kuih ni pink colour lagi tu....i like!..haha akak, nanti singgah umah ambil award yer...tq..:)

  3. waaa... i like pink color kak. cun sgt kuih akak ni!

  4. Morning Kak Paty,

    What a lovely dadar?? Sweet looking kuih dadar...pagi2 gini buat perut jadi lapar...huhuhu..
