
Sunday, March 06, 2011


After making Vanilla Pancake, I was curious how peanut butter would taste in my pancake batter. From the same recipe I added 1/2 cup of creamy peanut butter. Fantastic it was so good and you can really taste the peanut butter.  This will be hit to the childrens who loves peanut butter and ice cream. It's nutty and sweet.  Notice that this is not a sweet batter, I skipped the sugar, knowing that there would be maple syrup added later.Serve them with a little berry flavored-syrup or even spread them with jam. I just used a tiny bit of plain syrup and ice cream for my children and they loved them. If you limit the amount of butter and syrup you use, there is nothing wrong with pancakes nutritionally speaking. You can use whole wheat flour and low fat milk to make them healthier, but the pancake it’s self is low in sugar.
Try my new favorite pancake over the weekend!! YUM!

1/2 cup whole wheat flour/ 1/1 cawan tepung wheat flour
1/2 cup all purpose flour / 1/2 cawan tepung serba guna
3 teaspoons baking powder / 2 sdt baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt / 1/2 sdt garam
1 teaspoon cinnamon /1 sdt serbuk kayu manis
1 teaspoon vanilla extract / 1 sdt esen vanila
1 egg / 1 biji telor
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter / 1/2 cawan cream peanut butter
2 tablespoons oil or applesauce / 2 sdb minyak atau mentega
1 cup buttermilk /1 cup buttermilk
  1. Heat griddle set to medium heat.  Mix the dry ingredients together and add in all wet ingredients.  Beat until batter is smooth.  / Panaskan kuali. Campurkan bahan kering semua dan campurkan kedlam bahan basah. Pukul adunan sehingga sebati dan rata.
  2. By this time, the griddle should be hot enough to pour the batter.  If the griddle is too hot, simply remove it from the heat for a minute or two and turn down the burner just a bit./Apabila kuali sudah panas, senduk adunan dan masak pancake.

Setelah membuat Vanila Pancake, saya mula memikirkan bagaimana rasanya pancake ini kalau dimasukkan peanut butter. Kebetulan tekak ni teringin sangat nak makan peanut butter jadi saya masukkan 1/2 cawan krim peanut butter dalam adunan pancake. Ternyata tidak menghampakan, memang sedap lebih-lebih lagi disiram dengan sirap maple dan ais krim. Sajian ini pasti menjadi kegemaran anak-anak yang meminati peanut butter dan ais cream. Cubalah resipi ini, memang yum..yum....


Next Post - Sweet Potato Balls / Bebola Keledek



  1. Hi Paty, Peanut butter pancake! I call this chari pasal, ha ha. Makan satu nak dua, nak tiga....
    Wow! Lepas makan susa nak jalan....duduk, tali pinggang longar satu lobang, haha.
    Itu la chari pasal I mean, ha ha.
    You are good.
    Can I have 4 pieces? Ada iced kopi?

    If you buat fish head curry send me telegram....
    Have a nice day and keep a song in your heat. Lee.

  2. Assalamualaikum...

    Waduh! Sedapppnya....Terliur Kak Lin tgk...bilalah Kak Lin nak buat masakan ni yer...

  3. Assalamualaikumwbh....kak....mmm when it comes for pancake....u name it....I loikeeeees!!! MM yummy!

  4. sedap ek kak pancake letak peanut butter?nanti nak try buat utk my hubby yang giler ngan peanut butter tuh..tq kak...

  5. sedapp tu!!
    mesti harumm je baunya!!
    emm so yummy!!

  6. Thanks Uncle, coming up soon PENANG FISH HEAD CURRY, request from a friend from Australia, I will telegram you or send my AIR ASIA.

  7. Salam Lin, cubala, memang sedap, Kak sekarang ni tengah gila pancake, masih belum puas hati dengan hasilnya, cuba nak dapatkan yang tembam dan gebu.

  8. Salam Ayu, one thing about pancake peanut butter ni, aromanya memang hebat, peanut butter memang membangkitkan aroma pancake ini. Cuba buat ayu pasti happy dengan hasilnya.

  9. Salam Eina definitely HB akan suka sebab baunya amat harum, sedap makan dengan ais krim dan kalau ada cokolat cair lagi kow......

  10. Salam Fara, memang harum, peanut butter memang bawa impact pada pancake ni.
