
Friday, January 14, 2011


This kuih always reminds me of my primary school days. I used to buy it in my school canteen.  If I could recall it only cost me 20 cents. The kuih is made of boiled tapioca ,mashed and mixed with grated coconut and further coat with rice flour and deep fry. Don't mistaken it with the traditional Thai tapioca balls dessert. This kuih is purely tapioca mashed. It's hard to find this day, so if you crave for one then check out this recipe. It's simple yet tasty.

500 g tapioca / 500 g ubi kayu
2 cups Grated Coconut/ 2 cawan kelapa parut
pinch of salts / secubit garam
Oil for deep-frying / Minyak untuk menggoreng.
For Coating
Use the ready made banana fritters flour. Follow the instruction on the packaging/Untuk menyalut ubi gunakan tepung goreng pisang.

  1. Boil the tapioca in a medium pot until tender, 20 to 30 minutes, depending on size of tapioca. / Rebus ubi sehingga empuk.
  2. When cool enough to handle, mash the tapioca riser or masher. / Sejukkan dan lecek ubi hingga hancur.
  3. Place the tapioca in a large bowl and add in sugar, grated coconut, and sea salt. Mix with your hand to get soft dough. Knead lightly to form a smooth dough. / Masukkan ubi lecek dalam bekas penggadun, masukkan kelapa parut, gula dan garam. gaul hingga sebati.
  4. Pinch a small piece of dough (about 15 g each) roll them in your palm to form a smooth ball. / Bentukkan ubi seperti bebola mengikut size kesukaan masing-masing.
  5. Coat the tapioca ball with, the banana fritters batter. / Celupkan ubi dalam bancuhan tepung goreng pisang.
  6. Heat the oil in a deep fryer or heavy pan over low to moderate heat. Fry the tapioca balls until golden, remove and drain on a paper towel. Serve immediately. / Panaskan minyak dan goreng bebola ubi sehingga kekuningan. Angkat dan toskan. Sedia dihidang panas-panas.


Kuih Bebola Ubi Kayu ini banyak mengingkatkan saya pada zaman waktu sekolah dulu. Inilah makanan favorite saya, kalau tak bebola ubi, masalodeh. Rasanya dulu harganya antara 10 -20 sen. Murah... sedap  pula. Sekarang ini jarang boleh didapati, sesekali kalau terasa teringin kenala buat sendiri. Membuatnya taklah sesusah mana. Kalau nak buat boleh buat 2-in-1. Buat ubi rebus, balancenya buat bebola ubi baru berbaloi. Kalau yang berhajat silalah resipi mudah ini. Enak dimakan panas-panas.


Next Post - Spinach With Salted Egg and Caramalised Garlics



  1. salam kak paty,
    wah dah start mengganas balik ya..
    cantik bebola ubi kayu akak ni.. yang kat bawah tu lagi kita suka sardin stick..makan mesti tak boleh berhenti ..hehe

  2. Nampak gaya gitula, pandai sangat buat resolusi 2011, kena honour la, tapi apa pun Kak tabik Ayu la, thousand layer chocolate kek untuk HB tu memang kerja pro tu. Betul-betul special tu.

  3. Salam kak Paty,
    Selalu saya pun beli jer bebola ubi kayu ini..mungkin lain kali bole buat sendiri...

  4. Biasanya gitu aje, nak buat rasa tak berbaloi tapi macam kak cakap kalau kita buat ubi rebus, balance tu boleh lecekkan buat bebola ni. Kak teringin sangat nak makan cari keliling Ipoh tak jumpa so buat ubi rebus sambal tumis ikan bilis, larikan sedikit buatlah bebola ni. Lepas la hajat.
