
Thursday, January 20, 2011


I just don't know what to say, the moment I published my Apam Kentang, I have been getting response from friends that they were so thrilled and excited to  check out my upcoming entry Kuih Kosui Kentang/Keledek. To friends this is something new that they would like to explore, however I have a confession to make here, the kuih kosui kentang is not a new invention, it was a default arisen out of my failure to follow the instructions from my Apam Kentang. Failing to follow the instructions given, my Apam Kentang turned out to be like this. I was supposed to ferment the mixture for 1 hour, but what I did was, I steamed the kuih immediately, the kuih doesn't risen and a bit distorted. Lucklily I steamed in the cup cakes paper it covered the shortfall. Leave me no choice I have to make a few twist of my own.  I tasted the kuih, it was good especially with the aroma of yeast in it. Don't want to waste, I reinvented the product, coated it with desiccated coconut, get a cupcakes papers and here goes my Kuih Kosui. The kuih is a little bit elastic as compact to the original Apam Kentang recipe, anyhow most importantly this kuih is SEDAP.
Sebenarnya di sini saya nak buat pengakuan berani mati....kuih Kosui Kentang tu sebenarnya tak wujud.... Kuih yang anda lihat digambar tu sebanarnya adalah versi Apam Kentang saya yang tak jadi. Entah kenapa pada hari itu saya memang agak berserabut sedikit ialah, tengah-tengah nak buat kuih, call masuk nak kena buat inspection factory, kuih kena perap 1 jam, masa dah tak ada jadi saya nekad dan terus kukus. Alih-alih kuih jadi bantut. Tidak mahu membazir dan tidak mahu diketawakan oleh anak-anak saya mulala mereka, saya balutkan kuih tu dengan kelapa kering dan letak dalam paper cup. Dah siap nampak comel pula tak jadi nak ketepikan saya namakan kuih ini Kuih Kosui Kentang. Bezanya kuih ini dengan resipi asal ialah kuih ini agak kenyal macam kuih kosui sedangkan apam kentang asli rasanya agak spongy. Situlah idea nama kuih menjelma.

So itulah cerita Kuih Kosui Kentang saya, bagi saya yang penting jangan bazir, jangan  la bila dah tak jadi terus campak..... should not be that way, REINVENT it and make it something of yours. Itu prinsip saya bila memasak. Apapun saya rasa kuih ini sedap apa lagi aroma yis dan kelapa kering. Cubala anda pasti suka.

Hari ini cuti, saya nak experiment Talam Mutiara Hitam, sementara tu help yourself with my Rojak Buah. 
Next Post - Jom Santai - Rojak Buah!!!!



  1. hehe kak paty, mati2 ingat btol2 kuih kaswi kentang, baru nk mintak resipi... hehe... siyes ckp, mmg nampak cam kaswi... :D...

  2. sedapnya....terliur dh ni yg next post pun tu pun terliur gak..hehe

  3. salam..oohh,cam tu alkisah kejadian kaswi kentang nih..kempunan saya nakkan resepi, kak Paty..
