
Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Saya jarang masak daging tapi jika masak saya suka masak daging goreng berempah ni...perghh can be addictive ha..ha susah nak stop. Untuk resipi ini saya campurkan serbuk ketumbar, serbuk jintan manis dan serbuk jintan putih, untuk resipi yang sama boleh juga gunakan rempah kurma

Untuk memeriahkan lauk saya masukkan juga sedikit hirisan kentang goreng

Daging Goreng Berempah
  • 1 kilo daging di rebus sampai empuk
  • (guna periuk tekanan 20mnt sahaja
  • *5 ulas bwg kecil
  • *3 ulas bwg putih
  • *1 inci halia 
  • 1 sdb serbukk ketumbar
  • 1 sdt serbuk jintan putih
  • 1 sdb serbuk jintan manis
  • 3 sdb minyak utk menumis
Bahan Tumis
  • 1 batang kayu manis
  • 5 biji buah pelaga
  • 3 kuntum bunga lawang

Bahan Tambahan
  • 2 biji kentang dihiris bulat goreng dan letak tepi
  • 1 biji tomat dihiris bulat
  • 1 biji bawang besar dihiris bulat
  • 1 tangkai daun ketumbar dihiris

Cara masak

  1. Panas kan minyak, tumis bahan tumis sehingga naik baunya
  2. Masukkan bahan blend yang telah digaulkan dengan serbuk ketumbar, serbuk jintan manis dan serbuk intan putih
  3. Tumis sehingga agak garing dan masukkan daging,
  4. Kacau rata dan masukkan sedikit air rebusan daging biar berkuah sedikit 
  5. Bila dah hampir kering masukkan kentang tomato hirisan bawang besar dan daun ketumbar


    All images & content are copyright protected. Please do not use our images without prior permission. If you want to republish this recipe, please re-write the recipe in your own words, or simply link back to this post for the recipe. Thank  You.

    Tuesday, November 29, 2016


    Baby’s first birthday is always a big milestone. I believe every parents were be excited to celebrate their babies first birthday, same goes to my daughter it was her first baby, first birthday and happens to be my first grand child so we don't want to miss the chance to throw her birthday party.  A fun party, with the sweet addition of smash cakes, makes celebrating the big O-N-E even more special!

    My grand daughter turned one on 22 nd June, since it was Ramadan we had to postpone her birthday to after Eid Mubarak.  Elysa loves pony and horses, so we picked My Little Pony birthday party theme for her! We had a great time at Petak’s and I was the one doing most of the things, from the birthday cakes, candy booth up to the decorations. 

    Here's something that I liked to share The party is always easy to do, not too expensive but always look great  I’m sure you will get some inspiration and ideas on how to host your very own party

    The Event Space

    We rented an event space "Petak" for the function, its easy an economical, I don't have to worry about weather, tables, chairs, music, sound system and after event cleaning....all taken care by  the event space vendor

    The 1st birthday photoshoot

    It' important to capture the moment, birthday girl won't need it now but later in here life she may ask for it. We had it two different session for the birthday girl, 1 st session was a day before the event, we had the smash cake photo session and the second session was the birthday itself. We did it ourselves our way without the professional....ha...ha cost saving

    Here are some first birthday picture ideas to inspire your baby’s first birthday photo shoot! Its not easy to capture the moment unless you engage a professional photographer to do ...somehow we just try our luck using tricks and gimmick to get the moment anyway it works for the first half, not the second half we have to stopped when Elysa started to get bored

    The invitation

    The first thing on the ‘party to do list’ is of course, the invitation! We made a simple card with the party theme images

     The Decorations

    For My Little Pony, the colors are just about every color in the rainbow.  So it makes life easier. One of my must-have party products were Balloons They were inexpensive, and instantly give any room a party vibe.  I used lots of it  I also decorated with some Rainbow Dash My Little Pony toys. which was a fun way to display 

    The backdrop

    For the backdrop we just keep it simple no banner or even D.I.Y decorations, honestly time was our issue so we cut it short. We used Elysa's first 12 month pictures, we rounded it up and put in the projector and transferred it to the wall,  a coolest way to capture the moment of growth

    The Kids Table

    With rainbow confetti, My Little Pony figurines, and colorful tableware, the party tables were a rainbow of colors for the kids. The plates, napkins, and cups were all bought and already had the My little Pony theme onto then. 

    The Centre Piece

    We put together this simple centerpiece. We used Elysa’s My Little Pony collections around the table, again, using what we already owned as decor made some pom-pom flowers and mixed and match here and there

    The birthday Cake

    This little girl is a lucky one, she had 3 birthday cakes, one for the smash cake that we had one day earlier, second with a two tier Little Pony Cake that I placed it on the candy station and the third cake, the birthday cutting cake.

    The birthday cake was quite tedious, my daughter wanted a carousel cakes with little ponies around, I have to refer to youtube tutorial on this and good enough I managed to get the horse mold since I couldn't find the pony mold, it took hard labour work to produce the cake and I was happy with the result

    The Chalk Board

    One of my favorite birthday trends right now is the birthday chalkboard. I got this from cakeholics com, I’ve loved putting them on display at the party because they’re so darn cute, and they’re a great way to commemorate Elysa’s favorite things and abilities at that stage of life.

    My Little Pony Candy Booth

    A candy bar can get expensive.  I pulled from my candy jars that I've collected over the years to set a small table of assorted candies.  I didn’t have gobs and gobs of candies, but just enough to fill each container and set a colorful sweets station.

    I set each candy bars with  cutie marks. I got it free from the net. You can see all the printables, used here I google them from the net

    My Little Pony Party Favour

    As a take home favor,  I put a few extra treats in a bag – a fun-size packet of  bubble mixture, marshmallow, cookies and candies

    The Party Food

    The party was scheduled for mid-afternoon, The party menu included chicken fingers, sausage and a selection of easy finger foods. 

    The drink

    This is such a fun way to display beverages and also very easy to recreate using mini bottles of strawberry milk, or even different pitchers or beverage dispensers of  lemon syrups for adults

    The kids desserts

    We created fun desserts around this theme we came up with all the rainbow color, mini sponge cake, rainbow cupcakes, rainbow cookies, donut, macaron, kisses and fresh fruits salad. Its eyes catchy and the kids love it

    Somehow we did end up ordering rainbow mini sponge from my friend  Izah Muffin Lovers.  I couldn’t resist having the colorful mini cuppies. Her mini sponge cakes were soft, and the color was stunning.

    Kids favourite rainbow donut glaze

    Rainbow  Pops, basic cake pops dipped and sprinkled in every color of the rainbow. 

    Cupcakes with cutie mark cupcake toppers
    Fresh Fruits Salad

    Baby Macarons

    Rainbows Short Breads

    The Cake Cutting

    It's no secret that the cake cutting is one of the birthday photographer's favorite images to capture. So here's the moment waiting for, mommy and daddy helped birthday girl's cake cutting

    The party games/activities

    Many of the babies in this age range are still on all fours, its hard to create a party game for them. What we did was we set a  baby play zone filled with age-appropriate toys  we filled the space with foam balls and soft blocks that babies can enjoy whenever they need a little time away from the bustle of the party.

    The Photography session

    This was the most fun part . I don't have any photo prop but somehow the guests had a blast taking photos together ha...ha even if you don’t have a photographer, almost everyone has a camera on their phone that they can pull out to grab a photo...that was cool

    Say cheese uolls!!!!


    Tiada perkataan jemu when come to brownies....ha...ha bukan aje sedap tapi cepat dan mudah menyediakannya. Dengan sedikit creativity boleh mempelbagaikanya, kekacang, nutella, peanut butter dan apa aje yang diminati boleh dijadikkan bahan untuk menghasilkanya. 

    Ini adalah brownies ringkas yang dinaikkan sedikit tarafnya dengan meletak taburan badan dan coretan nutella....perghhh memang hebat dengan secangkir kopi panas

    Almond Fudgy Brownies

    • 300 gm Dark Chocolate Bar Beryls (Beryls antara coklat yang paling sedap untuk buat kek coklat dan brownies).
    • 100 gm Anchor Salted Butter
    • 3 biji telur gred A
    • 100 gm gula
    • 1 sudu teh esen vanila
    • 125gm tepung gandum
    • 150 gm Milk Chocolate Coins Beryls
    • 1/2 cawan hirisan badam

    Cara-cara membuatnya;

    1. Potong coklat bar dan butter kecil-kecil dan cairkan secara double boil.
    2. Dah cair, angkat mangkuk dari atas dapur.
    3. Masukkan gula dan kacau sebati. Gunakan hand whisk sahaja untuk kacau. tak perlu mixer.
    4. Kemudian, masukkan telur satu per satu dan kacau sehingga sebati.
    5. Masukkan esen vanila.
    6. Masukkan esen vanila.
    7. Seterusnya masukkan tepung sedikit demi sedikit.
    8. Kacau adunan sehingga sebati dan tepung tidak berketul.
    9. Gunakan hand whisk untuk mengetahui tekstur adunan.
    10. Masukkan coklat coins. Gaul sekejap saja secara kaup balik. jangan sampai coklat cair. Tinggalkan sedikit coklat coins untuk hiasan.
    11. Masukkan adunan dalam tray. Lapik tray terlebih dahulu dengan kertas minyak (baking paper) supaya brownies tidak melekat apabila diangkat.
    12. Susun lebihan coklat coins dan hirisan badam ke atas adunan kek. Bakar selama 30-35 minit dengan suhu 180 darjah celcius.
    13. Siap untuk dihidangkan. Lebih enak jika dinikmati bersama aiskrim vanila


      All images & content are copyright protected. Please do not use our images without prior permission. If you want to republish this recipe, please re-write the recipe in your own words, or simply link back to this post for the recipe. Thank  You.