
Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Like most things in life, practice gets perfection, but to make fondant is not too complicated, and given the upgrade it gives to the cake, I would sure give it a try. Again with the guidance from Sifu Nuraine Tan I learned how to cover cake with fondants and made some decorations on the cake. For the first try I used a dummy cake. If you are using a real cake you need to frost the cake first with  butter cream and allow to cool in a refrigerator first. This is what we called crumbs coat. For covering the cake I used the store bought fondant. So here's I made it.

  • I used the store bought fondant / Saya guna fondant yang siap dibeli dari kedai
  • Knead the fondant till soft and smooth / Uli fondant sehingga lembut dan lincin
  • Now it’s time for the fondant. If necessary, add any coloring that you want, and, on a clean dry surface, sprinkled with plenty of confectioners’ sugar, knead the fondant until it’s smooth and uniform. / Titikan warna kegemaran anda..seeloknya gunakan perwarna jel dan gunakan lidi pencungkil untuk mewarnakan. Jangan terlalu banyak..titik perlahan sehingga anda mendapat warna kesukaan anda.

  • Roll the fondant out, being sure to flip it  often to allow you to add more sugar to the counter and prevent sticking. You shouldn’t roll your fondant any thinner than a quarter of an inch, unless your making delicate details, like flower petals, but I would go slightly thicker than that./Canaikan fondant anda..jangan terlalu nipis dan jangan terlalu tebal
  • Now it’s time to cover the cake. To pick up the fondant, roll it gently around a rolling pin and lift it over the cake (much like moving pie dough to a pie plate)./ Letakkan fondant atas pencanai dan perlahan-lahan angkat dan letakkan di atas kek..pastikan ia menutupi semua kek. Untuk mendapatkan ukuran yang tepat gunakan tikar ukuran...

  • Making sure that the ends of the fondant hang down lower than the edges of the cake, gently unroll the fondant until the cake is completely covered./ Pastikan hujung fondant melebihi kek
  • Trim the excess fondant, leaving a couple of extra inches past the bottom of the cake. If you cut too close to the cake you won’t have enough to reach all the way to the bottom. After the excess is trimmed away, lift and press the fondant gently into the sides of the cake. Go slow and take your time here, so that you can prevent wrinkling. If a wrinkle starts to form, very gently stretch and press the fondant to the cake to work it out. You want to sort of push the wrinkles down until they are laying flat next to the cake, rather than being on the cake itself/ Perlahan-lahan tekankan fondant dan pastikan ia leper di atas kek...tekan sehingga ke penjuru bawah.
  • Once all of the sides are smooth and flat, use a sharp paring knife to trim away the remaining excess fondant./ Bila semuanya sudah kemas guna gunting atau pisau untuk membuat permukaan yang berlebihan

  • I used  a fondant smoother. This helps prevent that bumpiness, by smoothing not just the fondant, but also the frosting underneath. It also works out any air bubbles that might be trapped under the fondant. Now you can just decorate your cake however you like! / Gunakan perata kek untuk melincinkan kek....anda sudah sedia menghiaskan kek anda.  Mudah kan?
  • It’s not so tough, huh? Just be aware that it really does take practice, so don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t look how you want it to.

Pernahkah anda menghias kek dengan menggunakan fondant.? Jika anda fikir ianya rumit..hemm..rasanya tidak kut setelah anda menngikuti langkah step-by step ini. Apa yang penting ialah kesabaran dan memastikan anda mempunyai peralatan yang lengkap. Ikut arahan yang disediakan pasti anda akan gembira dengan hasilnya. Tidak percaya cuba..inilah hiasan fondant pertama saya dan saya amat berpuas hati dengan hasilnya. Untuk memudahkan urusan saya menggunakan fondant yang sedia siap. Saya cuma bermain dengan warna. Dan untuk latihan ini saya menggunakan form dan bukan kek asli. tetapi jika anda hendak menggunakan kek asli pastikan anda membuat crumbs coat dulu..ia itu menyalutkan kek dengan butter cream dulu..baru diletakkann fondant. Ini bagi memastikan kek menjadi lincin dan cantik. Saya juga menyediakan video dari youtube yang boleh membantu anda membalut kek ini dengan lebih baik.

Sesungguhnya usaha ini amat menyeronokan dan selepas berjaya membuatnya pasti anda  ingin mencuba menghias kek dengan hiasan yang lebih mencabar lagi. Apa pun untuk mendapat kesempurnaan perlukan latihan dan jika gagal jangan cepat putus asa kerana kerja ini memerlukan latihan yang SELAMAT MENCUBA


  1. tengah kumpul energy utk try fondant..huhu

  2. Thankyou for sharing your tips. Makes me want to try it out too now! two queries:what is a dummy cake, and where did you buy your fondant? Regards, Datin K,Ipoh

  3. Hi Datin.K..dummy cake..means I dont used a real cake since this is my first try I used a form as a substitute. You can get the findant from Wah Seng Ipoh or any bakery shop..try this it's fun and thrill

  4. Salam Anna...memang memerlukan energy ..tapak tangan akak kebas menguli..akak orang lama enjin pun dah tak berapa..cuba anna seronok..jadi macam budak2 balik

  5. salam kak paty.Apa kabar?Lama atie xsinggah kat sini.
    Sealmat hari raya buat akak sekluarga juge
    cantiknya kek fondant yg akka tue....kemasss sgt!

  6. as salam,
    cantik keknya.. I have yet to try using fondant, banyak alat takde >.<

  7. sALAM Zack for 1st stage it's enough to get the following
    1. plastic rolling pin
    2. the plastic map for measuring the width and length
    3. fondant smoother
    4. fondant

    lain tu basic la..

  8. Hello Paty, wow! Your fondant cake is simply beautiful!
    I suka the colour and texture. Can see need good patience and dexterity.....
    Ini masuk mulat lupa nama mak, ha ha.
    Have fun, simpan satu lagu dalam hati.

  9. Thanks Uncle Lee and thanks for dropping by...appreciate that..belum belanja you ketupat for raya...ha...thanks..there's always a song in my heart

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  12. Assallamualaikum kak Paty..

    Kak, cantiknya tikar ukuran akak..warna pink lagi. Naz punya warna putih tu...Dulu pernah jumpa dah yg warna pink ni tapi masa tu dah ada yg putih tu. Takkan sampai 2 keping lak nak memunya tikar ukur tu kan...hehehee..

    Cantik hasilnya kak..

  13. Salam Nad..first time..sekarang dah jadi ketagih...nie akak nak buat untuk anak buah punya hantaran pertunangan...tikar tu akak beli yang biasa puunya sebab baru berlajar..yang wilton nanti dulu..bila dah confident baru beli

  14. You did a very good job for a first fondant cake, it looks really beautiful!

  15. Thanks's fun and I'm always excited..making it again for my niece engagement.

  16. Kak, nak tanya, kalau saya buat carrot cake, sebelum balut dengan fondant saya sapu aprikot gel saja boleh tak? nak kek tahan lama dan senang bawa untuk jalan jauh.. atau akak ada cadangan?
