
Tuesday, September 04, 2012


I have earlier made an entry on  this..but that was done through my trial and error and this time I have asked the help from my sifu Puan Nuraini Tan. Wow now I knew that there are few important things that I have to follow to get the beautiful macaroons without cracks  and soagging in the centre. I am glad that she is willing to share her skills and experience on this macaroons adventures,. So armed with more knowledge from my last trials, I felt a huge amount of confidence..

I can happily report back that there were no tears or tantrums this time around and I found them rather quick to make!! I have used the french meringue technique and really find this method enjoyable to make ... well that is once you have gotten a handle on how to make them that is!!  It is least time consuming.  I made strawberry and chocolate flavour

Now! Lets got down to what I've learnt!!

The ingredients

  •  53 g Egg wWhites / 53 g putih telur
  •    3 g Meringue Powder / 3 g serbuk meringue
  •  13 g Castor sugar / 13 g gula castor
  • 113 g icing sugar / 113 g gula ising
  •   63 g ground almond / 63 g serbuk badam

We only used 5 ingredients. Shift together icing sugar and ground almond, leave aside / Cuma 5 bahan sahaja yang digunakan. Ayak gula ising dan serbuk badam dan letak sebelah

Whisk egg white with meringue powder ? Pukul putih telur dengan meringue powder sehingga kental

Add color at this stage / Masukan warna pada peringkat ini. Sebolehnya warna gel supaya air dari warna cecair tidak menggangu putih telur

Fold in icing sugar and ground almond misture, half by half. Fold slowly to allow air bubbles /Masukan gula cising dan serbuk badam yang ditapis tadi, Gaul perlahan-lahan, sebaikkanya di balik-balik supaya air bubble keluar.

Pour in pipping bag with a round #12 tip / Masukkan dalam pipping bag menggunakan tip no #12 tip
Pipe on parchment paper / baking  map / silpat / Pipe pada parchement paper / baking mat /slipat
Allow the shell to dry at least 30 minutes or until when you touch it is no longer wet / Biarkan macarron kering selamat 30 minit sebelum dibakar atau sehingga macaroon hilang kilatnya baru bakar.

Bake at 150 for 12 - 15 minutes. Tray 7 minutes at top shelves and 8 minutes at bottom shelves. Dont forget to on your oven fan. Cool for a while before inserting the fillings / Bakar pada suhu 150 darjah selama 15 minutes. Sebolehnya 7 minit ats rak atas dan 8 minit pada rak bawah. Sejukkan dahulu sebelum masukkan intinya

For the Fillings / Untuk intinya

200 g creamwell / 200 g krimwell
200 g icing sugar / 200 g gula ising

Cream together and add flabourings, jam, nuts etc according to preference / Pukul sehingga lembut kemudian masukkan bahan perisa..sama jam kacang atau apa2 yang diminati.

Once macaroons shell dried at the cream and sandwich it between the two macaroon. Remember to choose the same size. / Bila macaroon dah kering letakkan filling dan cantum dua.

Tips, tricks and temperature

Hermé has me making a macaron template, consisting of 3.5cm circles spaced 2cm apart on a sheet of baking parchment, to pipe on to, which proves incredibly helpful for the novice, and can be reused again and again. Dropping the tray a couple of times from a slight height will help to flatten the mixture. I baked 7 minutes at top shelves and balance 8 minutes at the bottom selves so you need top plan and organize.
Give it a rest before baking
Clark, Hermé and Zumbo all tell you to leave the piped macarons to rest for about half an hour before baking, the last explaining in his book Zumbo  that the skin which will form "is important as it lifts while the macaroon cooks, creating a 'foot' at the base". The foot, a term which always reminds me of molluscs, is the frill at the bottom of each shell. Cracking, while frowned upon on the top, is positively encouraged at the base of a macaron. David Lebovitz questions the need for this, and initially I'm with him: his macarons have better feet than the many of the ones which have rested, but to test the theory, I make two batches of the same batter, and rest one while the other bakes. The difference is clear: relaxation seems to have flattened the tops, creating a more even foot around the circumference. It may not be absolutely necessary, but it certainly helps.

If you dont have macaroons mat use paper draw a circle and place the parchment paper / Kalau anda tidak mempunyai macaroon map gunakan kertas lukisan bulatkan dan letakkan parchment paper.

Pernah kecewa membuat macaroon...hem...saya tidak lagi dengan bimbingan sifu saya Puan Nuraini Tan sekarang saya mampu membuat macaroon yang cantik. Di atas saya telah tunjukkan step by step dan paling penting ialah Tips membuatnya...jangan sesekali derhaka kalau hendakkan macaroon yang cantik..oleh itu selamat mencuba.

Next Post - Milo-Orea Jelly 


  1. Salam Paty...nice macaroon manis tapi saya tak pernah buat di dapur lagi. Tips yang berkesan terutama sekali selepas paip kan adunan dan rehatkan ...entah bila lah saya berani cuba hehe. Apapun tahniah sebab awak dah berjaya.

  2. saya pernah buat..dan memang menjadi
    cuma..tak buat lagi sebab macaron tidak sesuai dengan tekak saya..hehe

  3. tqsm k paty... selamat hari raya aidil fitri, maaf zahir dan batin.
    tips yg amat berguna brangkali utk sy & yg lain.pernah 2 kali cuba buat & kedua2 kalinye mghampakan. serik sudah hihii
    i'Allah ade kelapangan cuba cara dan resipi ini pula nnt...

  4. Insyallah boleh Fiza..akak tenguk Fia hebat dengan order2 Fiza..ikut pantang larang dia insyallah..dia bukan seprti cookis lain tekan2 terus bakar tak leh..macam kena biarkan shell di kering sekurang2nya 30 minit atau bile disentuh dengan car dia kering baru bakar...baru tak mereka...paip atas parchment paper senang nak dikeluarkan

  5. Hem..sally memang ada yang suka dan ada yang tak..tetap macaroon ni sumber rezeki banyak order untuk orang kawin so manafaatnya adalah

  6. Salam Noor masa Noor datng tadi akan belum siap update tetapi sudah tekan publish...sila baca yang baru akak update. Sorry ya Noor

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  8. salam kak pat..woooah tq for the step-by-step pics...really day...will try soon..but that meringue powder mcm tak pernah nampak jek!huhu..can omit or not?

  9. Assallamualaikum kak Patty..

    Erm..tq kak dgn perkongsian ini. Naz pernah tgk cara ni jugak rasanya di blog kak Wan kot..kalau tak silap lah..Nanti kalau ada seru nak buat dah tau mana nak dirujuk ni..mestilah blog akak..heheheeee...

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  11. Hem...macaroon ni banyak ragamnya..kiraan timbang kena tepat dan semua kena kena ikut jangan dderhaka.

  12. Assalamualaikum,
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