
Friday, September 28, 2012


These dense, moist, delicious low fat breads feature whole grains and natural sweetness. 
This particular brown bread is made with rye, corn, and whole wheat. It tastes great warm, I love while it is warm and serve with cut butter..hemmm...

Boston Brown Bread - Boston Brown Bread is traditionally served with baked beans because the combination of grains and legumes (beans or peas) produces a protein that is as complete as that in any meat but held together with fiber rather than fat.

Brown bread is usually steamed, not baked, in a hot water bath. I used the normal steamer. This bread will take some time to cook. The slow steaming helps soften the corn meal.

200 g self raising flour
25 g bran
150 g rye flour
75 g wholemeal flour
225  g ground corn meal (must be finely ground)
2 tsp baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
200 g raisins
150 ml black treacles

600 ml buttermilk
50 ml fresh milk

1 You can either make this in the oven or the stovetop, and you can either make this with a loaf pan or a metal coffee can. If you are using the oven method, preheat the oven to 325° and bring a large pot of water to a boil. If you are using the stovetop method, set the steamer rack inside a tall stockpot and fill the pot with enough water to come 1/3 of the way up the sides of your coffee can. Turn the burner on to medium as you work.

2 Grease a  loaf pan with butter. In a large bowl, mix the all-purpose flour, rye flour, corn meal, baking powder and soda, salt. Add the raisins if using.

3 In another bowl, mix together the buttermilk and vanilla extract if using. Whisk in the molasses. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and stir well with a spoon.

4 Pour the batter into the  loaf pan taking care that the batter not reach higher than 2/3 up the sides of the container.

5 Cover the loaf pan tightly with foil.  Steam for 2 1/2 hours.  

Tidak ramai yang mengetahui rati dan tidak ramai yang menyukainya kerana rasanya yang agak masam..kismis, begitu juga tidak ramai yang suka membuatnya kerana roti ini perlu dikukus selama 2 1/2 jam. Walau bagaimanapun roti adalah sihat kerana mengandungi bijirin seperti cornmeal, rye, bran dan whole meal. Kalau di Barat ini amat digemari..biasanya direbus dan dimakan bersama bake bean. Saya lebih suka menyajikan roti ini panas-panas dan makan dengan ketulan yang sejuk...hemmmm sedap.

Next Post - Pandan Chocolate Swirl Cake.


  1. Assalamualaikum...
    wahhhh.. rajinnya meroti...
    sedap plak tu nampak...

  2. Salam Paty....kat mana awak beli corn meal tu...saya pernah cari juga kat kawasan bakeri shop di Sp...tapi tak jumpa lagi. Hehe awak beli kat mana ye...

  3. Salam Jas..roti ni famous kat barat..kat sini kureng sikit mungkin sebab nak kukus selama 2 jam sedap makan panas2

  4. Salam Noor cornmeal boleh cari kat kek supplies shop..rupanya lebih kurang breadcrumbs kuning
