
Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Hello! Hope you’ve been enjoying the Holy Ramadan month. I know I have been a bit busy lately and haven’t had a chance to post a recipe this week, but that’s because I was working on my Facebook. A bit left out but I still feel I need to establish it to get connected with long lost friends and to reach out with others food bloggers.

It’s been almost a year since I started blogging and I 'm getting excited when I was invited to write recipes for Online Kitchen magazine. If you haven’t ever popped over to online magazine before, I would urge you to go now!. Very interesting magazine...full of information and interesting recipes. When the editor asked me to write on Ramadan dessert recipes, I immediately started thinking about what I was going to make. I wanted to make something simple that Malaysia love for "buka puasa" and came up with a few ideas for dessert. So here's the link for you to review my entry  - and not to forget to thanks mediaglam for giving me the opportunity to share my recipes. Happy Ramadan All and may this Ramadan brings us closest to Allah. Eid Ramadan and get the fullest from this Holy Month.



  1. Congrats kak paty!!
    Semuga more to come ya..Salam Ramadan buat akak & family juga...

  2. Congratulations my friend! I'm happy for you and your dishes look great :)

  3. waaa..tahniah kak paty...udah lama ina tk jenguk akak..tup2 dpt brita gembira...slamat menjalani ibadah puasa kak ;)

  4. tahniah kak paty...tumpang gembira juga :)

    selamat berbuka kak..lama tak jenguk sini sejak puasa ni..hehehhe
