
Friday, July 27, 2012


There are two delectable recipes that took time and courage for me to try. One is the Caramel  Marble Cake and these famous French Macaroon. I love these macaroon so the colour and love to see how creativity can turned these irresistible dessert into something unique and beautiful.

The thought of using eggs white will normally put me off, but sometimes you couldn't help yourself when you see your friends made beautiful macaroon. I have been on looking for chefs that conducted macaroon classes. I really wanted to enroll myself and learn to be a "pro" macaroons maker. If you have any please let me know...I wish to learn the right techniques . This was my third attempt and I only can get 5 pairs perfectly done. Others were a disaster, it cracked and sink in the centre and you see why I need a mentor to teach me. Please I am serious....I want to learn the pro way of making macaroons. Suggest me a good mentor.

Swiss Meringue buttercream
• 4 large egg whites
• 3 sticks (1-1/2 cups) unsalted butter, room temperature, cut into tablespoons
• 1-1/4 cups sugar
• 2 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
• 1-3/4 cup confectioner
• 1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
• all-purpose flour, for dipping
• 1-1/2 cups (4 ounces) sliced almonds, finely ground, or almond flour
• 3 large eggs
• Pinch of salt
• 1/4 cup granulated sugar
• 1/2 recipe Swiss Meringue buttercream

French Almond Macaroons
Preheat oven to 300 degrees F. Sift confectioners' sugar into a bowl. Whisk in ground almonds; set aside. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper or nonstick baking mats (such as Silpats), and mark circles using a 1-1/2-inch cookie cutter dipped in flour.
In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment beat egg whites on medium speed until foamy; add salt. Gradually add granulated sugar 1 teaspoon at a time, until the whites reach medium-soft peaks. Transfer to a large bowl.
Sprinkle half of the sugar-almond mixture over the egg-white mixture. Using a large rubber spatula fold until just incorporated. Add 1/4 teaspoon vanilla and remaining sugar-almond mixture, folding until just incorporated. Firmly tap the bottom of the bowl on a counter or work surface to eliminate any air pockets.
Transfer mixture to a large pastry bag fitted with a 1/2-inch plain tip (such as an Ateco #806). Pipe mixture into marked circles on prepared baking sheet.
Bake, rotating sheets halfway through, until macaroons feel slightly firm to the touch and can be gently lifted off the parchment (the bottoms will be dry), 20 to 25 minutes. Let cool on the baking sheets for 5 minutes, then transfer parchment and macaroons to a wire rack to cool completely. Using a small offset spatula, carefully remove macaroons from parchment. Spread 2 teaspoons buttercream on the flat sides of the half of macaroons; sandwich with the other halves, keeping flat sides down. Refrigerate until firm, about 20 minutes, before serving. Filled cookies can be kept in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.
Strawberry Macaroons Variation
Follow instructions for French Almond Macaroons, adding 4 drops of red food coloring to the egg whites just before you add the sugar-almond mixture (batter will be pink). For the filling, do not increase vanilla, and fold 1/3 cup strained strawberry preserves (3-1/2 ounces) into Swiss Meringue Buttercream after butter has been incorporated. Proceed with the recipe.
Chocolate Macaroons Variation
Follow instructions for French Almond Macaroons, sifting 2 tablespoons Dutch-process coca powder with the confectioners' sugar. For the filling, place 5 ounces finely chopped semisweet chocolate in a bowl. In a small saucepan, heat 1/2 cup heavy cream until it just starts to simmer; pour over chocolate. Let sit for 1 minute; stir until melted. Let ganache stand at room temperature until thick enough to spread. Proceed with the recipe.
Swiss Meringue Buttercream
In the heatproof bowl of an electric mixer set over a saucepan of simmering water, combine the egg whites and sugar. Cook, whisking constantly, until the sugar has dissolved and the mixture is warm to the touch (about 160ºF).
Attach the bowl to the mixer fitted with the whisk attachment. Beat the egg-white mixture on high speed until it holds stiff (but not dry) peaks. Continue beating until the mixture is fluffy and cooled, about 6 minutes.
Switch to the paddle attachment. With the mixer on medium-low speed, add the butter several tablespoons at a time, beating well after each addition. (If the frosting appears to separate after all the butter has been added, beat on medium-high speed until smooth again, 3 to 5 minutes more.) Beat in vanilla. Beat on lowest speed to eliminate any air bubbles, about 2 minutes. Stir with a rubber spatula until frosting is smooth.
Chocolate Swiss Meringue Buttercream Variation
Follow instructions for Swiss Meringue Buttercream, omitting the vanilla extract, decreasing the sugar to 1 cup, and adding 8 ounces melted best quality bittersweet chocolate after the butter has been incorporated (let chocolate cool slightly before mixing in)
Dalam cubaan memasak dan membuat kuih, dua resipi yang paling saya geruni ialah membuat Kek Marble Caramel dan Macaroon. Ha...ha...Kek Karamel tu sampai hari ini saya masih belum berani mencuba...macaroon ini dah masuk kali ketiga..tapi cuma 5 pasang aje yang menjadi...yang lain merekah dan tenggelam ditengah. Entah mengapa tangan saya ni kalau bab-bab resipi yang main dengan puth telur atau pun yang jenis kena enjut telur memang akan selalu gagal. Sebenarnya saya memang suka benor-benor dengan macaroon ni...bukan aje cantik kalau kena gayanya boleh buat duit. Sebab ramai yang sukakan macaroon ni dijadikan door gift.  Sesungguhnya saya memang serius tentang macaroon ni dan memang berhajat benor nak belajar membuatnya secara "pro" kalau sesiapa ada guru yang pakar dalam bidang ini dan ada yang membuka kelas saya sanggup ambil cuti untuk membelajarnya. Saya serius ni. Tolong beritahu saya jika ada mana-mana macaroon kelas ya.
Next Post - Lala Goreng Pedas / Chili Clam


  1. assalam kak paty,
    kita dua2 macaroon & kek caramel belum berani mencuba lagi..
    entah lah bila seru nak buat..

  2. Eik..eik came kita...."penakut ya" geram tenguk dia orang buat ya especially karamel kek ramai udah sukses. Nanti lepas raya kut kita try ya

  3. salam Kak Paty...
    wah..cantiknyer macaron..ok dah tu...Rahel pun suka macaron..

  4. Apanya ok...dapat beberapa biji aje yang lain semua hampeh...akak tengah cari kelas nak belajar la tak puas hati lagi tak boleh buat betul2. Ada cikgu cakap ya

  5. As-salam sis..
    sexy betul macaron u sis..terguda i tgk macaron nih..

  6. Slmt berpuasa sis Paty.nampak cantik macaron purple belum berani buat macaron....

  7. Kak Pathy, 6 kali ros cuba buat macaroon.Sekali pun tak jadi...tak tahu apa badinya...geram tau!!!

  8. salam kakpaty..sama ler cam kita pestaim wat dulu mcm2 bentuk ada..yg pecah yg meletop pn ada..hahaha! tp bila kita rendahkan lg suhu oven baru ler jadi elok macaron tuh..alahai!

  9. Salam Rahel..tak jadi banyak..dia suka merekah..tu yang akak fikir anak ambil kelas nanti

  10. Hem sexy warnaya kot Juicy Cafe...tapi ni macaroon mengelat...tak jadi cuma dua tiga aje jadi tak tahu mana silapnya..cepat terbakar pula tu

  11. Salam Mamasya...akak dah try 3x tapi yang ini aje boleh tahan sedikit yang yang hampeh

  12. Salam Ros try kali ke 7 pasti akak nak cari cickcek ari tu dia tayang macaroonya cantik banget.

    Nanti bila akak masuk kelas, akak tunjukkan step by stepnya nanti dan tips sekali mana tau boleh jadi sumber rezeki

  13. Ok Dr biar akak daftar kelas pas tu akak coach semua macam mana nak buat ya...memang akak ada baca ada caranya ada techniquesnya ada yang lapik dulang bakar sampai dua.

    Sejak dua menjak ni dah ada matnya boleh la try
