
Monday, May 14, 2012


Mother's Day should be everyday. Celebrating the women who raise children is not limited to just the women who give birth. Any woman who takes the time to nurture and oversee the well being and development of another, often sacrificing their own needs and dreams, deserves distinctive recognition. We would not be who we are without these wonderful people. - Ellen Easton

I strongly agreed with Ellen, however the recognition of Mother's Day as an annual event make it more interesting...people around the globe celebrate this special occasion  on various days commonly in March, April, or May with various activities with their MOM. For me it is a great idea to set aside days that allow us to celebrate our parents, to cherish, to treat and to thank them for all that they have done for us – if not on a daily basis then at least on a day like today.

I am an orphan mother's day is more of a fun time I celebrate with my children and close friends. For Mother’s Day this year, as years before I throw a high tea for the family and friends...enjoy a sunny afternoon with High Tea. It is very simple to have a buffet tea a home. A buffet tea needn’t be expensive, nor time consuming to prepare. Well not necessary with vintage ......I didn't have any but happened to have a set of China Violet Tea Set.

I was happy that everything went out great today. The High Tea theme all decked out in  violet and florals.  Mom all dressed in Violet and not only that we have violet cake, violet cuppa, and all the set up were violet. I also prepared a set of Violet door gift consist of baby teddy with violet ribbon, lavender flower pot and violet steam cuppa as a take away for guest.  Over all it was fun and we really had a great time.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the great moms out there!

 The High Tea Menu today,
Lavender Tea
Club Sandwich
Cheese Sandwich
Blueberry Cupcake with Violet Frosting
Steam Polka Violet Polka Dot Cupcakes
Chocolate Sponge Cake With Violet Frosting
Hailam Mee

Lavender Tea

Club Sandwich

Cheese Sandwich

Blueberry Cupcakes With Violet Frosting

Violet Polka Dot Steam Cupcakes

Chocolate Sponge Cake With Violet Frosting

Hailam Noodles

Door Gift - Teddy, Lavender Pot and Violet Polka Dot Steam Cupcakes

Wah seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, tahun ini giliran saya mengajur High Tea hari ibu untuk kawan-kawan. Saya memilih ungu sebagai tema tahun ini. Semuanya disediakan bertemakan warna ungu..dari tea set, pakaian...hiasan, door gift dan hidangan.Bagi saya untuk celebration seperti ini paling mudah ialah high tea...tidak terlalu mahal...simple dan mudah disediakan. Saya memang suka meraikan hari istimewa ini kerana masa inilah dapat berkumpul dengan kekawan dan anak-anak. 

Walau pun hari-hari adalah hari ibu tetapi menetapkan satu  hari yang KHAS menjadi ianya lebih istimewa bagi kita yang terlalu sibuk dengan urusan harian untuk memperuntukan masa untuk meraikan orang yang melahirkan kita, meraikan dan mengucapkan terima kasih atas segala pengorbanan seorang yang bernama IBU. 

Sebagai seorang IBU saya memang terharu dengan layanan anak-anak...pada saya...ha...ha...tahun lepas dapat bread machine...tahun ini dapat perfume kegemaran saya.  Wah...pandai juga dia orang pakat adik-beradik kumpul duit belikan saya hadiah istimewa. Apa pun saya puas hati dengan function hari...segalanya berjalan lancar dan banyak story mory...dengan kekawan. Menu Hightea kali ini sama, menu standard dan untuk setiap tamu saya hadiahkan Little Teddy, Bunga Lavender dan Apam Polka Dot.

Untuk semua sekali lagi saya ucapkan SELAMAT HARI IBU dan semoga semua sentiasa berada dalam keberkatan Illahi.

Next Post - Hailam Mee 


  1. Selamat hari ibu Kak Paty..

    wahhh.. cantiknyer tema purple. dah la purple warna kegemaran sy! mmg cantik sngt.. nak2 lg yg tea set tu.. hehe

  2. selamat hari ibu..paty.
    Wah.. purple.

  3. Selamat Hari Ibu Kak Paty..

    Cantek tema ungu tu..suke tengok.

  4. Salam kak,
    wah semua purple. Nice.

  5. Salam kenalan...

    wahhh warna tema purple yang sangat menawan hati dengan hidangan yang menarik tertarik, kak Paty memang da bomb!

    Happy Mothers day sis..

  6. Hi Party, happy mother's day to you.
    I love your cakes and your beautiful plates and cups. Really chantek.
    Thank you for your warm gesture.
    You write very well, love your eloquence.

    I am now in the midst of selecting designer dresses for my friends, include you.
    I made a mistake da hilang my original Saturday's posting.
    I had to start all over again. Hope to release later today, my time. Maybe your pagi.
    Have a nice evening.

  7. selamat hari ibu kak, wahh meriahnya sambutan disana dgn tema warna fav colour tu kak...:)
