
Friday, February 17, 2012


They called these Cantonese Egg Tarts...yeah...may be to differentiate it with the Portugese Egg Tarts . My family love theses tarts especially the children, but one thing that I don't like to bake these tarts was, my children tend to scoop the custard filling and left the crust....the same thing happened to pineapple tarts or even any tarts. The worse part of it I have to finish up the crust....." the iving waste disposal"  ha....ha...anyway these tarts are fantastic...I found the recipe in, some, buttery crust with creamy egg custard. I used mini loaves pan instead of the normal flowery mold...but it tend to break at the edges easily.

I am happy with the texture of both the crust and the custard and most likelihood will stick to this recipe and thanks Christine for sharing the recipe.

Cantonese Egg Tarts

Adapted from

The simple and easy Chinese tarts that are perfect as tea treat: soft crust with egg custard filling


225 gm plain flour
125 gm butter
55 gm icing sugar
1 egg, whisked

a dash of vanilla extract

Ingredients of custard:
3 eggs
110 gm caster sugar
225 gm hot water
85 gm evaporated milk
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Method (making crust):
  1. Place butter at room temperature until softened. Cream the butter and sugar with an electric mixer over medium speed until the mixture is smooth, fluffy and light in color.
  2. Add in whisked egg, half at a time, beat over low speed. Add vanilla extract, mix well.
  3. Sift in flour in two batches, scraping down the sides of the bowl between additions with a spatula, and make sure all ingredients combine well. Knead into dough. (see picture)
  4. Roll out the dough to a 1/2 cm thickness. Cut dough with a cookie cutter that is just a bit smaller than your tart tin in size. Line dough in the middle of tart tins, one by one. Lightly press the dough with your thumbs, starting from the bottom then up to the sides. While pressing the dough, turn the tart tin clockwise/anti-clockwise in order to make an even tart shell. Trim away any excess dough.

Method (making custard):
  1. Add sugar into hot water, mix until completely dissolved.
  2. Whisk egg with evaporated milk. Pour in sugar water. Mix well.
  3. Sift egg mixture to get rid of any foam into a tea pot. Carefully pour egg mixture into each tart shell.

Method (baking tarts):
  1. Preheat oven to 200C. Position rack in lower third of oven. Bake tarts for 10 to 15 minutes until the edges are lightly brown.
  2. Lower the heat to 180C. Keep an eye on them. Once you see the custard being puffed up a bit, pull the oven door open about 2 to 3 inches. Bake for another 10 to 15 minutes until the custard is cooked through. Just insert a toothpick into the custard. If it stands on its own, it’s done.

Cook's Note
At the very last stage, pull the oven door open a few inches. This method is to avoid custard from being puffed up too high. The custard would collapse once they are cooled down otherwise.
Baru buat experiment dengan Tart Telur yang saya dapati dari blog christinrecipes...boleh tahan resipinya kulit tart yang lembut dan ranggup dan inti kastard yang lemak dan sedap. Saya menggunakan acuan mini loaf..lain dari yang selalunya...saja nak test macam..mana..tapi cara ini bahaya sedikit bucunya terlalu sensitif dan silap haribulan patah hujungnya...saya mengalaminya..beberap biji dah patah hujungnya...rasanya kena guna acuan tradisi  biasa.

Tart ini memang sedap...tetapi awas dengan anak-anak....ha dia orng suka korek intinya dan kulitnya kita yang kena habiskan....selalu jadi macam tu dekat akak....."tong sampah bergerak"...sayang nak buang kita habiskanlah.

Next Post - Mee Kuah Tomato / Tomato Noodles


  1. Assalamualaikum kak Paty,

    This is the recipe which I keep in my folder for quite how does it taste kak?I would try this recipe tomorrow....meanwhile pass la sikit kat Nur kak! Hehehe.

  2. Salam kak paty! sedapppnyerrrr!!!!! kita tgk crust dia tuuuu haaaa, mcm sedap pulak, kita tgk resepi dulu mcm best pulak sbb kita ni cerewet sikit kalau bab2 yg ada telo2 ni hihihi... tapi kan yg paling kita suke tgk mee kat bwh tuu ^____^ lama betul kita tak buat mee2 mcm ni, menu minggu depan :D dah penuh menu minggu depan kita ni :D

  3. kak paty sedapnyaaaa,pastukan nak tunggu mee tomato

  4. salam kak paty..
    Wowww...paten baru egg tart..mmg unik..pandaila kak paty..klu dpt mkn panas2..bestnya..

  5. Kakkkk...selalu buat portugese egg chinese egg tart best je ni...masuk list dulu...nanti nak try buat...:)

  6. Salam kenal kak Paty, terus terang saya belum pernah buat tart telor. Takut takde orang nk mkn, maklum ler...kalau kak Paty tong sampah bergerak, saya pun apa kurangnya. Hubby dgn anak tak mkn, syg nak buang, ibunya yg terpikat pula dgn tart akak tu.

  7. Assalam kak paty..
    kita ni cantonese ke portuguese ke semua egg tart belum pernah cuba buat..alasan yang munasabah sebab rakyat jelata tak minat sangat..heheh..tapi nampak egg tart akak tu lembut aje ya..macam bekenan pulak ler..hehe
