
Monday, January 16, 2012


This oxtail soup is common and favourite among the South East Asia Country. Different country has their own way and preference. Unlike other oxtail stew and oxtail soup, this soup follows other Thai spicy soups by having a strong lime flavor and being spicy hot. The spices in this dish compliment the beefy broth and the tender meat. It's a clear soup, spicy and sourish, typical Thai flavour..they called this Muslim Thai Oxtail Soup...may be this dish was populared by the Thai Muslim at the border of Thai-Malaysia. I can see that...there's some influence in the dish especially the used of cinnamon, cardamon and anise star.

This soup is really fantastic. You can serve with steam rice or noodles. I blanched some linguine and ate with the soup. Made myself some chili oil..there goes...really...really bursting hot. To get the best out of the oxtail, used the pressure cooker and let meat tender. Retain the water for goodness it was terrific...soft meat and delicious hearty soups. Heavenly tasty and sure to knock your socks off!!!

Ini kalau makan memang berpeluh.....bab sup ekor saya lebih gemar cara  Thai, sebab ia mengimbangi lemak pada daging dengan rasa-rasa masam supnya. Katanya sup ini adalah sup orang-orang Islam selatan Thai, sebab tu tidak hairan sup ini ada menggunakan rempah ratus seprti kayu manis, buah pelaga dan bunga lawang. Sup seperti ini biasa didapati mana-mana restuarant Thai di Malaysia. Untuk kali ini saya masakkan sedikit pasta dan makan bersama sup. Seperti biasa tak cukup pedas...saya masukkan sambal kicap. Memang matop

Next Post - Yogurt Souffles


  1. kak...
    sup ekor satuuuuuu....

    mas tengok jerk sup tu dah rasa nak berpeluh2....he3

  2. sedap ni kak paty 1st time makan 14 yrs back macam jakun sbb ade perahan limau hehehe
    kak stok botol dah ada

  3. banyaknyer resepi menarik di sini..follow juga..sup ekor ni mmg tak tahannnnnn

  4. Salam Mas..memang sedap..ekor dah banyak lemak..kalau kita buat cara kita atau cara mamak style cepat muak nanti..yang ni memang best letak rempah kering aje dan limau...bukan nak cakap..perghhh berpeluh bagai diperah-perah baju kita.

  5. Salam cik mimi belah utara banyakkan macam ni..dulu akak rajin juga masuk Danok...paling dekat Hatyai...mai aii..makan sampai pengsan..buat sendiri tak samala macam dia orang buat. Tak tahu la apa secret resipinya. Sedap tau makan dengan linguinie.

  6. Salam dan selamat datang Mieza...harap Mieza dapat apayang Mieza hajati dalam blog akak ni..inilah resipi jurnal akak..dah senja baru nak berlajar masak...ha...ha

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