
Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Peaches are cheap these days. TESCO has a good deal on these seasonal fruits. Best for cakes, muffins and marmalade. I bought some and I dutifully chopped up some of the slices and folded them into a batch of muffins. I added a fair amount of vanilla, which blended nicely with the fruit. The peaches worked out perfectly and had a great texture – far, far better than what you’d get with any canned peach and much easier than working with a fresh one. If you can't find one you can substituted with the can peaches any how it gave the same results. I'm just taking the advantages of cheap peaches around. Vanilla and peaches seem to be a good combinations and these muffins have a crunchy texture from the outside and cake like texture inside.

Tengah bermusim...saya beli buah ini..saya suka buat sira peaches...selebihnya saya buat muffins ini...sedap ranggup diluar dan lembut di dalam. Tektur muffins ini macam tektur cake sesuai buat minum petang atau sarapan pagi.

Next Post - Donut Pintal


  1. As'salam Kak Paty

    ct dok tunggu jer dari tadi, akhirnya keluar juga peach muffin ni. Tq Kak Paty, ct amik resipi ya kak. nak cuba nanti :)

    Tak tahan godaan dengan muffin ni sedapnyaaa

  2. salam kak pat...sungguh yummylicious nampak muffins kak daughters love peaches but the price always sky rocketting high,...nanti nak usha2 rege kat tesco! copy recipe dulu yek!

  3. Salam CT....akak punya N3 selalu ikut que..sebab akak kerja..selalunya akak akan schedulekan siap-siap pagi kul 8 satu, kul 11 satu, kul 1 dan kul 3 itu waktu siaran akak. Itu pun kalau akak ada oustanding post....tapi yang confirm breakfast menu tiap-tiap hari mesti ada...kalau akak breakfast kat

  4. Salam Mok Wo...harga memang mahal tetapi sekarang tengah murah..itu yang saya angkut..kalau tak yang dalam tin pun sama sedap..saya suka resipi ini dalam basah2 kek luar ranggup.

  5. And if you don't have vanilla extract, try honey syrup. Oh dear, it can do wonders. Happy baking!
