
Sunday, January 01, 2012


So far I haven't had any experience celebrating new year countdown in public. I hate the crowd and I hate stressing myself to look for parking space. The best is watching all these excitement at home..more relaxing...more food and less headache. This year it's the same, after all the evening celebrations of Tyca's and Oden's little birthday..I'm already exhausted, nevertheless never want to be left out and it's also fun to have a small family gathering...makan...makan...and watching TV, I have to create a little party at home. My children's friend were at home spending the week end with us's fun with the crowd that I had.  To me even without city celeberations, it's possible to turn 2012 countdown into a time for family.

Again chef at home have to put the thinking hat for foods and drink to celebrate the late night excitement. We still have the birthday party food...I just added some Sloopy Joe's a real hot and satisfying Sloopy Joe and Cheesy Nachos. This Nacho's was a great HIT, can't stop munching it. Yeah as for drinks Tyca's made food there goes my family affairs on 2012 New Year Countdown.

Once again HAPPY NEW YEAR to ALL and may this year brings more luck, happiness, money, health...etc...... and ALL THE BEST


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1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil, 1 turn of the pan
1 1/4 pounds ground beef sirloin
1/4 cup brown sugar
2 teaspoons to 1 tablespoon steak seasoning blend, such as McCormick brand Montreal Seasoning
1 medium onion, chopped
1 small red bell pepper, chopped
1 tbsp lime juice
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
2 cups tomato sauce
2 tablespoons tomato paste
Burger buns  split, toasted, and lightly buttered

Heat a large skillet over medium high heat. Add oil and meat to the pan. Spread the meat around the pan and begin to break it up. Combine brown sugar and steak seasoning. Add sugar and spice mixture to the skillet and combine. 

When the meat has browned, add onion and red peppers to the skillet. Reduce heat to medium and cook onions, peppers, lime juice and Worcestershire sauce with meat for 5 minutes. Add tomato sauce and paste to pan. Stir to combine. 

Reduce heat to simmer and cook Sloppy Joe mixture 5 minutes longer. Using a large spoon or ice cream scoop, pile sloppy meat onto toasted, buttered bun bottoms and cover with bun tops. Serve with your favorite sides or sliced tomatoes seasoned with salt and pepper, dill pickles .

Bab-bab tahun baru ini saya memang tak pernah meraikanya malah tidak pernah pun membawa anak-anak keluar melihat celebrations ini. Kalau teringin sangat hendak tenguk and have New Year Fun tenguk aje di TV...sama aje...tak payah hendak fening..fening...berpusu-pusu..mana nak cari parking...mana dengan  berimpit...impit. bagi saya celebrate di rumah menghadap TV lagi best. Tahun ini sama juga..lagi pula sekarang udah duduk Ipoh tak benda yang excitednya...kita orang anak beranak...hanya duduk mengadap TV aje.

Makanan birthday Tyca and Oden masih banyak...tugas anak-anak clearkan semua..supaya tidak membazir saya cuma buat makanan ringan aje..malam tu tidak makan nasi saya buat Sloopy Joe's ala Rachel Ray dan Cheesy Nachos.....Nacho's ni memang penangan maut..mengoyel tidak berhenti-henti..memang bahaya snack macam boleh montel dibuatnya..Resipi Nacho dalam entri setrusnya. Resipi Sloopy Joe saya buat simple aje bersama side salad dan tomato.

Sekali lagi SELAMAT TAHUN BARU SEMUA semoga tahu ini membawa keberkatan, kerahmatan, tingkatkan azam, tinggikan ketakwaan semoga menjadi muslimah yang beriman - Amin.

Next Post - Cheesy Nachos


  1. Slmt thn baru 2012 buat k.Paty sekeluarga. Semoga sentiasa dilindungi Allah selalu dan diberkati segala usaha yg dilaksanakan.
    Happy belated besday buat Oden & Tyca.yummynya cake choc bday tu....

  2. Salam kak Paty.Selamat tahun baru .Nachos tu memang buat kita kecur air at too...I like!!!!

  3. Assalamualaykumwbh Sis Dear,

    Whot whot...nak kene try menu ni ar kak!

    Smg Allah swt mudahkan dan uruskan kak paty sekeluarga dgn sebaiknya dr tahun ke tahun...

    Love, Ayu...:)

  4. Salam Mamasya...SELAMAT TAHUN BARU semoga sentiasa diberkati Allah selalu...celebration di Cairo macam mana??

  5. Salam Ayu..selamat tahun baru sama juga akak doakan keberkatan buat Ayu and family sempena tahun baru ini ya.

  6. Salam at home..makan...makan....keluar pun takut banyak sangat orang mabuk...santai kat umah lagi best
