
Sunday, January 15, 2012


I will be backed to work tomorrow after the long-long this morning I was quite busy getting things organized, anyhow these were our Simple Sunday brunch morning. Tortilla Chicken Soup and Orange Cranberry Loaf. Tortilla Chicken Soup is a famous Mexican Soup, a tomato base soup with shredded tortilla and chicken. Ho.....I love this..and love it with extra tortilla. This soup is easy to prepare and you can adjust the spiciness of the soup depending on what you like. Anything goes in this can add beans, vegetables what so ever that you have in your store cupboard. I made my simple with chicken, jalapeno..fresh tomatoes. Serve with bread or tortilla. Very simple..very flavourful and very...very delicious.

Hola and Gracias...enjoy your day!!!!!

Chicken Tortilla Soup

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 medium white onions, diced
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 jalapenos, seeded and minced
3 ripe medium tomatoes, chopped
1 quart chicken stock, recipe follows
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Canola oil, for pan-frying
8 corn tortillas, cut into 1/8-inch-thick strips
1 1/2 cups shredded cooked chicken
2 avocados, halved, pitted, peeled, and diced
1 cup shredded cheese, optional
1/2 cup coarsely chopped fresh cilantro leaves, for garnish

1 lime, cut in wedges, for serving

Place a stockpot over medium heat and coat with 2 tablespoons of the olive oil. Add the onions, garlic, jalapenos, and tomatoes; cook, stirring for 15 minutes until the vegetables are cooked down and pulpy. Pour in the stock, season with salt and pepper, and simmer for 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, heat 1-inch of canola oil in a skillet over medium-high flame. When the oil begins to smoke, add the tortilla strips in batches and fry until they are crisp on all sides. Remove to a paper towel-lined platter and sprinkle with salt while they are still hot.

Ladle the hot soup into 4 soup bowls and put a pile of shredded chicken on top of each. Top with the diced avocado and fried tortilla strips (and cheese if using). Garnish with cilantro and serve with lime wedges.

Hola.....agak terlambat N3 hari ini..ialah hari terakhir cuti..esok sudah hendak mulakan kerja...jadi kenalah pergi pasar..beli apa yang patut buat stok....apa pun kena masukkan juga N3 ini walau pun semua sudah sendawa makan tenagah hari tadi. Kalau saya tidak masakkan sekarang nanti pakai lupa aje...Pagi ini breakfast Mexico pula...tula awal-awal sudah sebut Hola...., saya buat sup ayam tortilla dan Orange cranberry loaf. Soup ayam ini adalah sup tomato yangdimasukkan cebisan ayam dan roti tortilla. Roti tortilla digunting-gunting memanjang dan masukkan dalam sup. Hem..sedap sup ini hendak-hendak saya masukkan jalpeno yang lebih daripada buat brioche hari ini..aroma dan rasa jalapeno menaikkan lagi rasa sup ini.

Mudah membuatnya, sedap dan mengenyangkan.

Next Post - Orange Cranberry Loaf


  1. Hi Patsy ...patutpun entry berderet...cuti rupanya. Apapun teringin lah nak rasa tortilla soup nie nampak best sangat even my sis pon cakap dia pernah makan dishes nie masa kat Mexico dulu sedap cicah dgn roti.

  2. Slmt berhujung minggu k.Paty. mcm2 menu sarapan ada di dapur kat Paty...menarik...kali ni menu Mexican pula. sy tumpang jamu mata dulu....

  3. Salam Noor, cutilah...kalau tak cuti kebendanya nak buat nie semua..balik rumah aje dah lewat paling awal kul 8 lah, kita complete 4 waktu di office Isyak aje di rumah..sebab tulah kita cuma buat breakfast...biar anak2 kenyang sampai malam uminya balik...baking ke..talam..apa-apa aje ha Sabtu dan gitulah citenya

  4. Salam Mamasya..akak suka breakfast macamnya..sedap sebab dia tomato base soup..tortilla tu main gunting2 dan campak aje...don't forget to drop by esok...akak nak buat breakfast Vietnam pula...ada technician akak dari Vietnam...akak nak jamu dia orang
