
Saturday, January 21, 2012


I always thought that scones should be round small biscuit like. Never cross my mine that we can bake scones in bigger size like pizza and cut into pieces. I saw this on TV when Farah Quinn Ala Chef made her honey oats scones. Then once again I saw this in foodbuzz. The ingredients and the recipe look's great and I made one batch of it. The original recipe call for sugar sprinkle on the scones before you bake it..but I omitted the process instead, I drizzled the baked scones with cooking chocolate. 

I love the texture of this scones..its..crusty outside and soft inside, serve with butter, cream or jam..perfect tea time menu. Its simple to make, especially if you already know how to make biscuits from scratch.  The key is to keep the ingredients cold and work quickly.  Read completely through the recipe before starting and make sure you have all your ingredients and tools ready and nearby.  And make sure you start preheating the oven as soon as you start thinking about making these.

Come join me for tea.
Saya selalu fikirkan scone semestinya bulat seperti biskut...sehinggala bila saya menonton program di AFC bahawa scones boleh dibuat persis macam pizza...bulat besar dan dipotong seperti pizza. Baru-baru ini saya terpandang resipi scones di Foodbuzz...menggunakan chocolate chips...nampak menarik saya saya buat satu adunan..kali ini saya ikut cara scone yang boleh dipotong. Sedap scones ini garing diluar dan lembut di dalam. Resipi asal menaburkan gula diatas scones sebelum bakr..tapi saya tukarkan gula dengan chocolate cair...alahai chocolate ada sedikit yang tidak cukup untuk buat apa-apa pun..jadi seperti biasa daripada terbuang saya cairkan chocolate dan letakkan atas scones.  Sedap resipi boleh makan dengan butter, krim atau jam. Sebaik-baiknya makan panas-panas.

Next Post - Pudding Cake


  1. sedapnya... kak paty scone with choc topping...

  2. As'salam Kak Paty

    tak pernah buat lagi scone ni kak. makan tu pernahlah itu pun beli jer..hehehe

    Tak sabar nak tunggu entri seterusnya.. puding kek mesti menarik juga ni..jangan lama2 ya kak :)

  3. rajinnya lah akak ni memasak...saya kat rumah ni diarorg tak kuat makan sgt..sekali sehari je...hihihi...suka tengok akak ni macam2 menu dicuba..saya kalau ikut gaya akak ni memang tak terhabis...tak dek sape nak tolong makan...hihihi

  4. Salam Quinnie...dapur akak tempat experiment akak tempat testing dan juri akak...sebab tu akan tak berhenti mencuba...semuanya dah ada saluranya...pendek kata tolak batu aje..lain semua habis

  5. Hi Paty, wow! I love these chocolate chip scones. One of my favourites is raisin scones too. And cream puffs.
    Can see you ada black belt in cake making and cooking.
    Makes me wish I am your neighbour. I bring durians for you, dapat jemput makan chocolate scones, ha ha.

    Happy holidays to you.
    Stay young, stay beautiful, simpan satu lagu dalam hat.

  6. hmm yummy
