
Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Over the weekend we opened out the HARI RAYA HAMPERS given by friends, clients and relatives....OMG I received 8 packets of OREO. It's dangerous to leave the OREO in the kitchen cupboard, I am not worried about the children but more towards myself..... I have less self control on sweet things like this especially OREO, my one time obsessions, so what I did was I turned it into cookies and packed for my children.. I saw these cookies in Along, homekreation blog and looks like these cookies were 2011 HARI RAYA COOKIES favorite..well no doubt about that they were delicious, crunchy, chocolaty with white chocolate drizzles. OREO LOVER or CHOCOLATE LOVER will definitely love this.

These cookies are also presentable on your cocktail tray, if you are planning for your cocktail parties try this, it definitely will pull your crowd. For recipe please refer to


Operasi membuka HAMPER RAYA berlaku pada hujung minggu lepas...mak ai...koleksi yang paling banyak saya terima ialah OREO....wah sampai 8 paket...adoi kalau dibiarkan dalam cabinet maka tinggilah bacaan kencing manis saya. Jadi untuk mengelakkan perkara tidak diingini berlaku saya transformkan OREO tu ke biskut, OREO BLACK BEAUTY yang saya intai di dapur ALONG-HOMKREATION...waduh...waduh..patutlah ramai yang membuat cookies  ini rupa-rupanya sodap...anak-anak cukup suka dan masing-masing pack untuk bawa pulang. Saya fikir sekali lagi kalau ada peluang membuatnya saya nak masukkan hazelnut sebagai inti...tentu rasanya akan menjadi seakan Ferrero Rocher 

Next Post - White Chocolate Purple Beauty



  1. sedappnya tengok cookies tu..

  2. Salam Mas, memang cantik memang sedap tapi mengeletar tangan nak memutarkan white chocolate, sampai sengit-bengit. Orang muda macam Mas kalau buat pasti kemas dan cun kan.
