
Thursday, July 21, 2011


Mango and Pineapple Chutney

Pecal or Indonesian Salad

Mackerel in Hot Taucho Sauce

Kuih Lompang

Pomegranate Drinks

Tueday Buka Puasa Menu were a combination of Indian, Indonesia and Malaysia Menu. mango and Pineapple Chutney was originated from Indian with a tweak of Malay touch. Pecal was a well known Indonesian salad serve with peanut sauce. Mackerel With Hot Taucho was a mixture of Malay and Chines dish. A very satisfying dish for "buka puasa'.

As for dessert I made a Malay kuih called  "kuih Lompang". This tiny kuih is colorful and serve with white grated coconut. Drink of the Day was Pomegrante Juice.


The Indian called this dish chutney, to the Malays it was Pajeri. Normally it was cooked separately but I had combined both pineapple and mango. so happened to bound into both.

I seldom cook this at home, it's not my kids favorite however during this fasting period I have a sudden craving for chutney. I made a small portion of it. This dish serve well with some salted fish.

The Malay version of chutney was a little bit darker as compared to the Indian Chutney. The addition of "kerisik" - dry fried and grind grated coconut, made this difference between both chutney

 1 small pineapple, peeled and cubed
3 medium mangoes slightly underipe, peeled and cubed
5 whole garlic cloves, peeled
1 white onion, diced
1 inch ginger, grated finely
1 green chillie, halved
2 packet curry powder or less if you prefer mixed with some water into a slurry
1/2 cup pineapple vinegar
1/2 cup  sugar
1 T of mustard seeds
3 tbsp dried shrimps - soak and grind
1/2 cup kerisik - dried grind coconut
The zest and juice of 1 lemon (optional)
1/2 ladle cooking oil


Blend onion, garlic and ginger into wet paste. Mix wet paste with curry powder and grind dried shrimps

Heat oil in a medium pan until hot but not smoking. Saute the cinnamon, anise star cardamon and mustard seeds until fragrant.  Saute for about 6 minutes or more until the curry spice turns a darker shade is cooked well and fragrant.

Add in mango and pineapple.

Add sugar, vinegar and kerisik.

Let the mixture simmer and allow the the sauce to reduce to a thick and syrupy consistency. 

Add salt, the lemon zest and juice towards the end and cook a little while more to incorporate. Taste and adjust.

Finally add in the cut green chillies

Leave to cool completely before storing.


Menu berbuka hari selasa ialah Pajeri Mangga-Nenas, Ikan Tenggiri Masak Taucho Pedas, Pecal, Kuih Lompang dan Air Juice Delima. Kalau dilihat pada menu ianya melambangkan citarasa Malaysia, Pajeri adalah kombinasi Melayu-India, Taucho adalah kombinasi Melayu-Cina, Pecal pula adalah kombinasi Melayu-Indonesia. Itulah uniknya masakan Malaysia.

Untuk resipi pajeri hari ini saya satukan dua jenis buah dalam satu pajeri, nenas dan mangga, biasanya orang masak berasingan tapi kebetulan ternampak kedua-dua buah ini saya terus beli dan masak. Saya jarang masak pajeri ini, kerana kurang sambutan di rumah, tapi bulan-bulan puasa ini tekak terasa sangat nak makan, jadi saya buat sedikit habuan tekak saya aje. Pajeri ini sebenarnya tak payah lauk lain kena dengan ikan masin dan ikan goreng cukup.

Next Post - Pecal



  1. sedapnya menu berbuka kak paty..kita pun tengah pikir2 ni nak masak apa utk berbuka ptg nanti..tgk pecal kak paty tu dah idea dah sbb kita ada kuah pecal segera.ada sedara bagi dari sabak bernam.:)

  2. Thanks for sharing, a real treat

  3. wah rajin nye akak...ucu x pernah lagi mkn pajeri nenes + mangga...
