
Monday, July 18, 2011


The recipe is very simple, but the delicate technique and flavors of the pineapple mint leaves make this drink very special. Perfect for breaking fast. Refreshing soothing like a breeze. Try this!!!!

1 small pineapple, peeled and cut into 1-inch chunks 
1/4 cup sugar 
2 cups water 
1/8 cup mint leaves, tightly packed 
1 cup lemonade

  1. Combine sugar and pineapple in a bowl, cover and refrigerate for one hour.
  2. After an hour, add the pineapple mixture, water, mint, and lemon to a blender. Blend until smooth.
  3. Pour liquid through strainer into a pitcher, pressing on the solids. Serve over ice.
Minuman segar yang cukup sesuai dalam bulan puasa ini. Rasa tajam nenas, lemon dan pudina cukup menarik. 

Next Post _ Green Velvet Cupcakes

1 comment:

  1. Emmm...sejuk dan nyamannya kalau dapat meneguk air sedap kak patys ni...Hai! Salam kak..pekabo akak hari ni...:)
