
Monday, June 20, 2011


These marble muffins work the same way as full sized marble cakes, just in a smaller package. The only drawback to making them this way is that you can’t really swirl them as much as you can swirl a large cake with a large amount of batter.What I did was I just layered the chocolate and the vanilla for the first three layers and made the swirl on top of the muffins. It turned out ok on top and layered at the bottom,...well it's fine for me.

The good thing about this recipe you can use it as a basic for other muffins, you can add color sprinkles, chocolate rice, chocolate chips or even layered it with multi color to name it rainbow muffins. Interesting, you can play around with your creativity in it. It has a cake like texture and not too sweet just good enough to reserve for some frosting if you which to have one.

INGREDIENTS - Heavily adapted from

1 cup all purpose flour/ 1 cawan tepung serba guna
1 1/2 tsp baking powder / 1 1/2 sdt baking powder
1/4 tsp salt / 1/4 sdt garam
1/2 cup sugar / 1/2 cawan gula
2 large eggs / 2 biji telur
1/2 cup vegetable oil / 1/2 cawan minyak sayur - saya guna minyak jagung aje
1/2 cup buttermilk / 1/2 cawan buttermilk - susu dicampurkan sedikit cuka lebih kurang 1 sdb cuka
1 tsp vanilla extract / 1 sdt vanilla
1-oz semisweet or dark chocolate,/ 1oz semi sweet dark chocolate dicairkan, saya guna serbuk koko aje

Preheat oven to 350F. Grease line 10 cups from a 12 cup muffin tin with paper cups liners./ Panaskan oven dan siapkan acuan muffin- Guna kertas muffin.

In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder and salt./ Satukan semua bahan kering dalam satu mangkuk dan letak sebelah.

In a large bowl, whisk together sugar, eggs, vegetable oil, buttermilk and vanilla extract. Pour in dry ingredients and stir until just combined. / Dalam mixer pukul gula, telur minyak sayur, buttermilk dan vanilla. Masukkan bahan kering dan kacau rata dan sebati.

Remove 1 cup of the batter to a small bowl and stir in melted chocolate. / Asingkan satu 1 cawan adunan dan masukkan chocolate cair atau serbuk koko.

Evenly distribute batters into prepared pans, adding a spoonful of vanilla, followed buy a spoonful of chocolate, followed by a little more vanilla. Gently run a knife through the batter to give them a swirl./ Curahkan adunan selapis demi selapis bermula dengan lapisan vanilla dan koko and untuk lapisan terakhir gunakan pisau dan pusarkan menjadi lukisan marble.

Bake for about 15 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean./ Bakar selama 15 minit atau sehingga masak


Kalau anda meminati kek marble anda pasti meminati muffin ini. Cara membuatnya sama aje, bezanya kek marble tu besar muffin ini kecil dan membuat marblenya agak rumit sedikit kerana susah membentuknya kerana terlalu kecil.   Saya cuma menggunakan jalan pintas dengan membuat lapisan antara cokolate dan vanilla dan untuk lapisan atasnya baru saya swirlkan dengan menggunakan hujung pisau untuk mendapatkan lakaran marble.  Sedap dan comel

Next Post - Laksa Johor



  1. akak..cantiknya mapin tu..
    nampak gebu jerk...

  2. wahh cunnya muffin marble tu kak.. menarik...:)
