
Wednesday, April 27, 2011


This Talam Lapis Serikaya I got it from Kak Ita Cook Book. Attracted to the smooth cut of her kuih and made a try. Still need room for improvement and Insyallah will try it again. This Talam used the ready made Serikaya mixed with rice flour for the top layer. The bottom layer is made of normal rice flour similar to the kuih lapis recipe. It's creamy and yummy. If you are a Talam or Kuih Lapis fan try this!!!!!

For the nottom layer
150 gm rice flour / 150 g tepung beras
30 g green pea flour / 30 g tepung green pea
80 g tapioca flour / 80 gm tepung ubi
1/4 cup sugar / 1/4 cup gula
200 ml water / 200 ml air
800 ml coconut milk (500 ml coconut milk +300 ml water) / 800 ml santan (500ml santan+300 ml air)
pinch of salts/secubit garam

Boiled sugar and water till sugar dissolved. Add in coconut milk. Leave to cool for a while and add in all the three flour. Divide it into 3 portion and color it according to your preference./ Masakkan gula dan air sehingga gula larut. Masukkan santan dan sejukkan sebentar. Masukkan kesemua jenis tepung, kacau rata, tapis dan bahagi adunan kepada tiga warna pilihan anda. Letak sebelah.

For Top Layer
200 ml ready made kaya / 200 ml kaya 
2 eggs / 2 biji telur
600 ml coconut milk (300 ml coconut milk+300 ml water) / 600 ml santan (300 ml santan+300air)
1/2 cup palm sugar / 1/2 cawan gula merah
1/2 cup custard powder / 1/2 cawan tepung kastad
1/4 cup flour / 1/4 cawan tepung gandum 
 Pinch of salts / secubitgaram

Combine all ingredients and seived. Leave aside./ Satukan semua bahan,kacau rata, tapis dan letak sebelah

  1. Heat up steamer. In a 9 x9 mold steam each layer of the bottom layer for 15 minutes each ./ Panaskan kukusan. Sediakan acuan 9 x9. Kukus lapisan bawah selapis demi selapis selama 15 minit bagi setiap lapis,
  2. Heat up the top layer mixture under low heat until steaming and pour mixture ontop of the bottom layer. Steam for another 20 minutes. Leave to cool before you cut/ Masakkan adunan bahagian atas di atas api kecil sehingga naik wapnya. Tuangkan adunan ke atas bahagian bawah dan kukus selama 20 minit. Angkat dan biarkan sejuk sebelum dipotong.
Satu lagi resipi talam yang saya ambil dari buku resipi Kak Ita. Menariknya tentang resipi ini ialah lapisan atasnya menggunakan serikaya yang siap dan dicampur dengan tepung beras. Untuk pilihan warna bolehla guna warna pilihan sendiri. Sedap talam ini, lemak dan manis.
Next Post - Thai Pineapple Delight



  1. Kak cek tgk bahan2nya je dah dapat rasa...mesti sedap talam ni kan Paty....kak cek amik resepi lagi...tq..tq...:)

  2. Lajunya Kak Paty...macam keretapi..tak sempat nak ikut ..kita simpan yer resepinya...
