
Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I wanted a  to use up some leftover minced meat and an extra sweet potato that I had lying around. So I made children's favourite. The original recipe calls for just flour but I made a tweak here to use up the sweet potato. I added 1 cup of mashed sweet potato. You can omit this if you don't have sweet potato of hand.

I used  yellow-skinned sweet potato.The croquettes can be made just before frying and frozen for up to one month in advance-- perfect for holiday season where the kids tend to be hungry all the times. The shape !! it can be round or oval like mine. I made it oval coz I like to differentiate it with bitterballen. For recipe please refer to my earlier entry on Beef Croquette.


Ini kes hendak habiskan keledek dan daging kisar jadi saya buat kroket ini. Resipi asal tidak memerlukan keledek, tapi dah sayang tenguk keledek tergolek-golek begitu aje saya buat kroket ini. Kroket ini boleh dibuat banyak-banyak dan frozenkan. Cukup sesuai dimusim cuti ni dimana anak-anak sentiasa lapar. Agak-agak lapar gorengkan aje dan makan panas-panas bersama sos cili. Yummy!!!!

Untuk resipi sila rujuk N3 saya yang terdahulu, cuma tambah 1 cawan keledek lecek.

Next Post - Ayam Goreng Mamak/Mamak Style Fried Chicken



Bread  Pudding -- it wears many hats.  There is the basic bread pudding, then there is the chocolate version, , pandan, the peanut butter, the fruitty, the one with nuts, and so on.  But this one is a great one from Anna Olson. This is apple bread pudding with the flavors of apples and cinnamon. It tastes like cake, it tastes like cinnamon rolls and the best part of it the aroma really knock your sock off.  Great!!!!...scrumptious and delectable..... I love this version  especially with the Cream Sauce.  

1 cup green apples, peeled and diced / 1 cawan epal hijau kupas dan potong dadu
5 tbsp unsalted butter / 5 sdb mentega cair
1/2 baguette cubed / 1/2 roti Perancis dipotong dadu
2 eggs yolk / 2 telur kuning
2 eggs / 2 telur
1/3 cup sugar /1/3 cawan gula
1 tsp cinnamon powder / 1 sdt serbuk kayu manis
2 1/4 cup milks / 2 1/4 cawan susu
2 teaspoons vanilla extract / 2 sdt vanilla
sugar, for sprinkling/ gula untuk ditabur
maple syrup, for brushing / sirap maple untuk disapu

Cream Sauce
1 cup half and half cream / 1 cawan krim * boleh guna susu cair
1 teaspoon vanilla extract / 1 sdt vanila
2 egg yolks / 2 kuning telur
1/4 cup sugar / 1/4 cawan gula

Preheat oven to 350° F. Brush the bottom and sides of a 9-inch square baking dish with half the melted butter. / Panaskan oven dan sapu mentega pada loyang pembakar 9 "
Toss bread cubes and apples  together with remaining melted butter and spoon into baking dish./Satukan roti dan epal dengan mentega cair dan letakkan dalam acuan.

Whisk together egg yolks, whole eggs and sugar. / Pukul telur dan gula.

Whisk in milk, sugar, cinnamon powder and vanilla. Pour over bread cubes and press down gently on bread to help soak in. Let stand for about 15 minutes. ./ Masukkan susu dengan vanilla, serbuk kayu manis dan vanila. Curah ke atas roti tadi sambil ditekan perlahan-lahan sehingga roti terendam.

Place baking dish in a water bath and sprinkle top of pudding with sugar. Bake for 50 to 60 minutes, until the center of the pudding springs back when pressed./ Letakkan loyang kedalam dulang pembakar berisi air dan bakar selama 50-60 minit.

Remove baking dish from water bath. Brush maple syrup over surface of pudding. Serve warm./ Angkat dan sapukan di atas dengan sirqap maple atau taburkan dengan gula ising. Hidang panas dengan krim sos.

Cream Sauce

Bring cream with vanilla up to just below a simmer. Whisk together egg yolks and sugar until pale. / Panaskan susu/ krim dan vanila pada api kecil. Pukuil telur dan gula sehingga bertukar warna.

Gently whisk cream into egg mixture and return to pot. With a wooden spoon over medium-low heat, stir sauce until it coats the back of a spoon, about 4 minutes. Allow to cool. / Perlahan-lahan satukan susu dan telur dan letak semula ketas api kecul sambil dikacau-kacau dengan sudu kayu kacau sehingga sos  boleh berpalit pada belakang senduk. Lebih kurang 4 minit. Biarkan sejuk

Pudding roti ini memang versatil dan terdapat banyak jenisnya, cokolat, pandan, buah-buahan dan kacang. Tapi yang ini memang sedap...rasa macam kek pun ada, macam bun kayu manis pun ada dan cukup sedap makan bersama krim sos. Seperti biasa kombinasi epal dan serbuk kayu manis memang hebat. Roti Perancis lebih dari breakfast kacang pol saya buat pudding ini. Resipi cuma memerlukan 1/2 roti Perancis. Resipi asal menggunakan separuh krim dan separuh susu, saya letakkan semua susu. Sapukan dengan sirap atau taburkan gula ising. Hidang panas-panas memang sedap

Next Post - Sweet Potato Croquette / Kroket Keledek


BREAKFAST MENU - KACANG POL / ARABIC BROAD BEANS RECIPE I missed this Kacang Pool. My late sister used to make this, especially during family gathering. It's our family No:1  breakfast menu. I can't find this anywhere except in Johor.  This dish originated from the Middle East is popular among the Johorean. The dish is made of fava beans. In the Middle East fava beans are called "fol" and I believed that's how we named this dish in Malaysian version "Kacang Pol". Kacang literally means bean and Pol which is "fol" in arabic is "fava beans". See... that's what I love about food, it has it's story. 

This recipe I'm sharing with you was my late sister recipe. The originally recipe calls for the beans to be mashed, but in Malaysia we prefer the beans as a bean. The best is to use the broad beans soaked  overnight and cooked, however it's very difficult to get the bean this day, you can use the can version.


1 can of broad beans / 1 tin kacang pool
200 gm of mincemeat  / 200 g daging cincang
2 tablespoons of chili powder/ 2 sdb serbuk cili
2 tablespoons of briyani powder / 2 sdb rempah briyani
7 small onions – blend into fine paste / 7 biji bawang merah ditumbuk halus
3 garlic – blend into fine paste / 3 ulas bawang putih ditumbuk halus
1 inches of ginger – blend into fine paste / 1" halia ditumbuk halus
2 tbsp lime juice / 2 sdb air asam limau
3 tbsp ghee / 3 sdb minyak sapi

For serving
1 onion thinly slice / 1 biji bawang besar dihiris halus
2 tomatoes – diced  / 2 biji tomato dipotong dadu
2 green chillies – slice / 2 biji cili hijau dihiris nipis
3-4 limes / 3-4 hirisan limau
eggs (optional) / telur (pilihan)

Soak the broad beans overnight until they soften. You can skip this step if you use the canned stuff. Boil in a pot of water until soft and cooked./ Rendam kacang semalaman dan rebus sehingga empuk. Toskan airnya.

Heat up pot and melt the ghee. Saute the spice/onion/garlic paste until fragrant. Add the minced beans and cook over medium heat for 15min to 20min. / Panaskan minyak sapi dan tumis bahan rempah sdan bahan tumbuk ehingga naik baunya. Masukan daging kisar dan masak 15-20 minit.

Add some water if mixture is too thick. Add salt and white pepper to taste. Add beans and further cook for another 10 minutes./ Masukkan air jika perlu. Masukkan garam dan lada. Akhir sekali masukkan kacang. Renehkan 10 minit lagi

Serving :
Dice one onion and roughly chop the green chilles to be used as garnishing.
Sprinkle with a bit of the melted ghee. Squeeze a bit of lime juice, if desired.

Serve with bread of your choice.

Menu sarapan pagi ini saya masa cuti Maal Hijrah baru ini...baru sempat hendak buat entry. Ini adalah resipi favourite keluarga bila berkumpul. Biasanya arwah kakak yang  buat, dia memang pakar bab-bab masakan Arab ni. Memang sedap kacang polnya. Tapi sejak arwah tak ada tak merasalah hendak makan, kalau hendak pun nun kena pergi sampai JB...setahu saya kacang pol ini cuma ada jual di JB aje....selain JB saya belum pernah jumpa lagi.

Kacang Pol ini asalnya dari Timur Tengah...dan menjadi makanan kegemaran masyarakat Johor...ini kerana di JB banyak masyrakat keturunan Arab. Asal nama makanan ini ialah dari perkataan Arab "fol" yang merujuk kepada "kacang" tetapi udah tegeliat lidah kita sebut pol. Sedap dimakan bersama roti. Di Timur Tengah ianya dimakan dengan roti pita tapi di sini kita lebih gemar makan dengan roti Perancis. Sebelum dihidang, ianya ditaburkan dengan hirisan bawang besar, cili hijau, hirisan limau nipis dan curahan minyak sapi. Boleh juga dimasukkan telur samada goreng atau dipecahkan ke dalam kacang pol.

Next Post - Green Apple Bread Pudding / Pudding Roti Apple Hijau


Monday, November 28, 2011


These steam sponge cakes are still the favourites among the Malay Foodie. I remembered at one stage almost every blog made an entry on this cute little cup cakes. I was a bit late on my try but I'm glad that I tried. These were hits with my children...they love these so much. In fact the entry here was a few batch that I made for their school party. It's a bit taxing but if you take this as and art or "playing dough" you will enjoy the fun of making this little cake.

  • 3 eggs / 3 biji telur
  • 275 g flour / 275 gm tepung gandum*
  • 3 tsp baking powder / 3 sudu teh baking powder* (diayak bersama tepung gandum)
  • 150 g fresh milk / 150gm susu segar (fresh milk) . Boleh juga ganti dgn susu sejat
  • 1 tsp ovelette / 1 sudu teh ovallete
  • For filling I used bluebberry jam / Filling blueberry secukupnya (masukkan ke dalam piping bag)
  • Color of your choice / Pewarna & Esen Vanilla
  • 200 g fine sugar / 200 gm gula halus (boleh kurangkan jika tak suka manis)


Whisk eggs and sugar till fluffy at HIGH SPEED for atleast 10 minutes / Pukul telur dan gula hingga kembang dgn kelajuan maxima selama 10 minit. 

Masukkan susu BERSELANGSELI dengan tepung sedikit demi sedikit sambil pukul perlahan dengan mixer. / Add milk alternate with flour.

Tambah esen vanilla & Ovallette pukul lagi sehingga sebati dan nampak adunan akan berubah texture menjadi gebu . Bahagikan adunan kepada beberapa bahagian ,titiskan pewarna mengikut citarasa / Add vanilla and ovelette, whisk until mixture change texture and fluffy

Masukkan setiap warna ke dalam piping bag (atau beg plastik yang bersih)./ Divide into a few portio and color your favourite choice. Put each color in a piping bag.

Picitkan sedikit adunan ke dalam mangkuk kertas yang telah disusun didalam acuan lompang. / Insert paper cup in muffin pan or chinese tea cup.

Pipe in half.

Picitkan blueberry filling secukupnya / Pipit in the blueberry jam

Picitkan lagi adunan sehingga ¾ penuh.Kemudian dot dot kan dengan warna pilihan / Pipe in the balance till 3/4 full.

Kukus didalam kukusan yang telah dipanaskan selama 10-15 minit / Steam for  10-15 minutes.

* Cook's Note
1. Steam on medium heat / Api jangan terlalu kuat nanti merekah
2. Do not open steamed until done / Jangan buka pengukus sehingga masak
Apam yang cukup popular dikalangan blogger. Rata-rata semua sudah mencuba, saya baru hendak menerai. Alhamdulillah bak kata perpatah..biar lamat...janji belajar. Rumit tetapi kalau kita anggapnya sebagai seni maka seronok jadinya. Saya le ih kecil apam ini lebih comel. Tidak sangka menjadi kegemaran anak-anak, malah N3 saya buat untuk party akhir tahun persekolah...comel-comel macam ni senang dihidang dimajlis.
Next Post - Maal Hijrah Breakfast Menu - Kacang Pol



I still used Chef Farah Quinn donut recipe but instead of orange sweet potatoes, I used pumpkin and  add 1tsp pumpkin spices. For coating I stick to the traditional ways....castor sugar. For recipe please refer to my entry on Donut Ubi Merah Ala Chef Farah Quinn.


Untuk resipi donut labu ini , saya masih mengekalkan resipi Chef Farah Quinn. Saya gantikan keledek dengan labu lecek. Untuk menambahkan kenakan pada labu saya masukkan 1 sdt rempah campuran labu dan salutkan donut ini dengan gula castor. Idea asal hendak campurkan gula castor dengan serbuk kayu manis tetapi terlupa pula....sebaik-aiknya campurkan gula dengan serbuk kayu manis. Ini akan membangkitkan lagi aroma dan rasanya. Untuk resipi sila lihat Donut Ubi Merah Ala Chef Farah Quinn.

Next Post - Apam Polka Dot


Sunday, November 27, 2011


I have been craving the Mandy Chicken Rice for quite sometimes. The last I had it was during Ramadan.Mandy rice is originally a traditional dish in Yemen and is now very popular in the rest of the Arabian Peninsula and in many other Arab countries in fact is now a world phenomena, you can find Arabic food all over the world

Mandy is usually made from meat, usually lamb or chicken, basmati rice, and a mixture of spices. The meat used is usually a young and small sized lamb to enhance the taste further. The traditional way of cooking this chicken rice is underground. In this recipe, the chicken are marinated with herbs and spices mix called Mandy spice mix before being baked or grilled. The Mandy flavor chicken is then served together with some rice which is cooked separately.

As Malaysians we are lucky enough to have more than a few kinds of Middle Eastern restaurants, ranging from Iranian to Moroccan to Lebanese. Try my favourite Hadramawt Restuarant....they are fabulous!!!!!
1 whole chicken halved / 1 ekor ayam dibelah dua
2 tbsp mandy chicken mix / 2 sdb rempah ayam mandy
1 cup yogurt / 1 cawan yogurt
salts to taste / garam secukup rasa
Mix all and rub over chicken. Leave to rest possible overnight or minimum 4 hours / Gaulkan semua bahan dan lumur pada ayam. Perap semalaman atau sekurang-kurangnya 4 jam.
Grill or bake till done / Panggang atau bakar sehingga masak.
For Rice
4 cups asmathi rice soaked for 20 minutes /4 cawan beras basmathi ~ rendam 20 minit dan toskan 
3 tbsp ghee/3 camca besar minyak sapi
4 cups water /4 cawan air atau secukupnya 
1 tbsp mandy mix spices / 1 sdb rempah campur mandi
1/2 cup evaporated milk / 1/2 cawan susu cair
1 onion thinly slice / 1 biji bawang besar ~ hiris halus 
3 cloves  garlic / 3 ulas bawang putih ~ hiris halus
1" ginger / 1 inci halia ~ hiris halus btg mancis
chicken cubes / kube pati ayam 
1 cinnamon stick / 1 batang kayu manis 
1 anise star/ 1  kuntum bunga lawang
3 cardamon pods/  3 biji buah pelaga
5 cloves / 5 kuntum bunga cengkih
yellow coloring /Sedikit pewarna kuning- guna
  1. Heat up ghee and saute the spices, add onion, ginger and garlic and fry till fragrant . Add in mandy spices /Panaskan minyak tumis rempah tumis, bawang putih, bawang besar dan halia hingga harum dan bawang layu. Masukan rempah mandy.
  2. Add water and cook till boiled. Then add milk /Mmasukkan air, biar mendidih. Kemudian masukkan susu.
  3. Add rice, salts and chicken cues/ Masukkan beras, kube ayam dan garam secukup rasa, kacau rata dan masak seperti biasa.
  4. When rice dry make a whole and put in the yellow coloring make a few spot/Bila nasi kering, buat lubang ditgh nasi dan letakkan warna kuning.

    Kalau ke umrah,bas pasti singgah di satu lokasi di mana makan malam dihidangkan dengan Nasi Mandi. Biasanya dihidang dalam talam dan makan beramai-ramai. Enak Nasi Mandi popular dikalangan masyarakat Timur Tengah dan yang paling hebat ialah dari Yemen.  Secara aslinya Nasi ini berserta ayam,kambing atau daging dimasak dibawah tanah. Itu caranya yang tulin, tapi kalau hendak buat sendiri mana mungkin kita buat cara itu. Kalau di rumah ayam tu samada dipanggang atau dimasak bersama Nasi sekali. Untuk kali ini saya cuma panggang ayamnya secara berasingan. Ayam diperap dengan rempah mandy dan nasinya punsaya tumis dengan menggunakan sedikit rempah mandi.

    Sedap dimakan bersama salsa timun. Bagi yang berhajat untuk merasai masakan Timur Tengah ni...sekarang ini banyak restuarant Arab yang tumbuh bagai cendawan, salah satu daripadanya yang menjadi favourite saya kalau rindukan Nasi Ayam Mandy original, Restuarant Hadrawart adalah salah satu Nasi Mandi yang hebat..cara masakan di restuarant ini memang ori...pakai api bawah tanah. Cualah pasti anda suka...Di Jalan Ampang mahupun di Chulan Square...Mak ai pasti teringat-ingat akan nasinya.

    Next Post - Pumpkin Spice Donut



Combine two sweet and tangy fruits like blueberry and lemon and you'll end up with this deliciously addicting loaf. With their rich, indulgent flavors, these  quick bread are a definite crowd-pleaser.


For the Loaf:(Adapted from Lemon Drop)
  • 1 1/2 cups + 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour, divided
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1 cup plain whole-milk yogurt
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3 large eggs
  • 2 teaspoons grated lemon zest (approximately 2 lemons)
  • 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 1/2 cups blueberries, fresh or frozen, thawed and rinsed
For the Lemon Syrup:

  • 1/3 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1/3 cup sugar
For the Lemon Glaze:
  • 1 cups confectioners’ sugar, sifted
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease bottom and sides of one 9 x 5-inch loaf pans; dust with flour, tapping out excess.
  2. In a medium bowl, sift together flour, baking powder and salt; set aside.
  3. In a large bowl, whisk together the yogurt, sugar, eggs, lemon zest, vanilla and oil. Slowly whisk the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients. In a separate bowl, mix the blueberries with the remaining tablespoon of flour, and fold them very gently into the batter.
  4. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake 50 to 55 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the loaf comes out clean. Let cool in the pans for 10 minutes before removing loaf to a wire rack on top of a baking sheet.
  5. While the loaf is cooling, make the lemon syrup in a small saucepan over medium heat. Stir together the lemon juice and sugar until the sugar is completely dissolved. Once dissolved, continue to cook for 3 more minutes. Remove from the heat; set aside.
  6. Use a toothpick to poke holes in the tops and sides of the warm loaf. Brush the top and sides of the loaf with the lemon syrup. Let the syrup soak into the cake and brush again. Let the cake cool completely.
  7. To make the lemon glaze, in a small bowl, whisk together the confectioners’ sugar and 2-3 tablespoons of the lemon juice. The mixture should be thick but pourable. Add up to another tablespoon of lemon juice if the mixture is too stiff. Pour the lemon glaze over the top of each loaf and let it drip down the sides. Let the lemon glaze harden, about 15 minutes, before serving.


Entahlah lepas satu, satu menjadi kegilaan saya. Sekarang ni tengah gila buat "quick bread". Rasanya ini dah masuk quick bread yang kelima saya. Jadi seronok buatnya sebab tak banyak ragam, gaulkan semua bahan dan bakar dan paling penting tak perlu risau kalau ianya nak jadi atau tidak. Adunanya pula kecil, jadi ngam-ngam tidak membazir, buat minum petang belum magrib udah lesap, clear, macam tu aru best...buat. Loaf memang sedap satu kombinasi yang mantap antara blueberry-lemon-yogurt. Sedap, loafnya pula lembap tektur antara roti dan kek.


Next - Maal Hijrah Special - Al- Mandi Rice / Nasi Mandi
